
The BfR conducted a nationwide survey to investigate consumer perceptions of food additives. GettyImages/Lukatme

What do consumers think about food additives? Survey

By Flora Southey

Results of a new survey in Germany suggest many consumers are concerned about possible health effects associated with food additives, while at the same time expressing a lack of knowledge about such ingredients.

Image: Getty/Jonathan Knowles

CO2 crisis highlighted ‘need for more localised food systems’

By Oliver Morrison

The UK was facing warnings of food shortages, and even the prospect of a cancelled Christmas, after CF Industries, which supplies most of the CO2 used in the county’s food production, stopped work at two of its fertiliser factories because of gas prices.

Getty/Hinterhaus Productions

CBD... the next Scotch Whisky?

By Oliver Morrison

The CBD industry is going to closely resemble the premium spirits sector, believes cannabinoid group Tenacious Labs.

Getty/Luis Alvarez

‘Worrying’ pesticide levels found in Spanish foods

By Oliver Morrison

Ecologists in Spain are demanding a 50% reduction of the use of pesticides - especially those more toxic and unauthorized - after data revealed a ‘worrisome’ level of exposure of pesticide residues found in food in the country.

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