
Should maize be included in EUDR? GettyImages/Justin Paget

Should maize be included in EUDR?

By Donna Eastlake

The EUDR deadline is now less than five months away. But as the 30 December date looms on the horizon, we wonder if there are commodities missing from the list, in particular, maize.

What can predict a food's palatability? Image Source: Getty Images/Peter Dazeley

Can food palatability be predicted?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

How can you tell a food is palatable? New research uses three metrics – HFSS, UPF and HPF – to test whether palatability can be predicted.

Smart packaging that fights food waste. GettyImages/nadia_bormotova

Smart packaging that fights food waste

By Donna Eastlake

Packaging that lowers food waste? It seems too good to be true but scientists say it’s possible, in fact, it already exists!

In order to conform to the EUDR, cocoa must be traceable. Image Source: Getty Images/MilenaKatzer

How Nestlé is making its cocoa more traceable

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Nestlé is striving to make its cocoa traceable right back to the farm. Can the multinational give consumers confidence they’re eating sustainable cocoa?

How brands are capitalising on gut health. GettyImages/PeopleImages

How brands are capitalising on gut health

By Donna Eastlake

Gut health is proving to be hugely popular with consumers and enormously profitable for food and beverage manufacturers. In financial terms, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Plant-based toxins pose danger to health. GettyImages/Tara Moore

Plant-based toxins pose danger to health

By Donna Eastlake

Plant toxins have always existed in plant foods but their potential health implications remain relatively unknown to consumers. Why?

According to the World Health Organization, 2.7m people die in Europe every year due to four major commercial products – one of which is ultra-processed food. GettyImages/gerenme

Ultra-processed food kills, says WHO

By Flora Southey

The World Health Organization is linking ultra-processed food, alcohol, tobacco, and fossil fuel industries to millions of deaths in Europe every year.

Do emulsifiers increase the risk of diabetes? GettyImages/martin-dm

Do emulsifiers increase the risk of diabetes?

By Donna Eastlake

Emulsifiers are found in a whole range of foods, including yogurts, ice creams, chocolate bars, margarines and even some breads. But could this common food additive increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Is seasonal eating making a comeback? GettyImages/alle12

Is seasonal eating making a comeback?

By Donna Eastlake

From Egyptian potatoes to Mexican strawberries, the European food system operates on a whatever you want, whenever you want it, basis. But are consumers turning away from international imports and instead embracing local produce?

Has the plant-based trend peaked? GettyImages/ArtMarie

Has the plant-based trend peaked?

By Donna Eastlake

The plant-based trend has been on the up and up in recent years. But has it finally peaked and, if yes, can the plant-based industry do anything to prevent a decline?

Understanding the Autoimmune Protocol diet. GettyImages/Hispanolistic

Understanding the Autoimmune Protocol diet

By Donna Eastlake

Health trends are huge at the moment, with new diets and ‘superfoods’ popping up on an almost weekly basis. Enter the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet.

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