Childhood nutrition is in a state. But is this down to badly-manufactured children's foods or a symptom of a bigger problem? And will parents place the blame with food manufacturers regardless?
It’s a little over a year before the next set of HFSS restrictions come into force in UK stores. What should UK and European food and beverage manufacturers expect?
Gut health is proving to be hugely popular with consumers and enormously profitable for food and beverage manufacturers. In financial terms, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
The plant-based industry has come under scrutiny, in recent years, with critics lambasting its ingredients and production methods. Now, plant-based seafood manufacturers are fighting back, through innovation.
The World Health Organization is linking ultra-processed food, alcohol, tobacco, and fossil fuel industries to millions of deaths in Europe every year.
With climate change threatening the future supply of cocoa, could cellular agriculture offer a solution? Israeli start-up Kokomodo thinks it can, and is emerging from stealth mode to prove it.
Fava beans are a leading crop used for alternative protein products. They can also be grown in Europe, making for simpler supply chains. But what issues are producers contending with?
As the UK’s latest inflation levels show sugar and confectionery prices remain high—a fate mirrored in Europe—F&B makers are turning to other ingredients to remain competitive at the checkouts.
Cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and stroke are just some of the potential health risks associated with consuming too much salt. But could excessive salt consumption also lead to an increased risk of developing stomach cancer?
In Europe, food and drink makers tapping into the gut health trend find themselves hamstrung by health claims regulations. How can they communicate benefits, without breaking the law?
Prebiotics and probiotics are practically celebrities in the world of gut health, but have you heard of postbiotics? This lesser-known friend of pre and pro is quickly climbing the gut-health charts.
While some fear artificial intelligence spells the end of humanity, others back its potential for positive disruption. How’s this playing out in food and drink? We bring you the latest…
Social stigma continues to plague the non-alcoholic beer category, according to AB InBev. How is the world’s largest brewer working to overcome this hurdle?
Ultra-processed food is making headlines. In our rolling coverage of UPF, we unpack the good, the bad, and the confusion around this classification of products. Here’s the latest…
This is the question posed by researchers, who also wanted to find out whether swapping out sugar for artificial and natural sweeteners reduces blood sugar levels.
High levels of salt in food is becoming an increasing concern for healthcare professionals and consumers as the dangers of a high-salt diet becomes more widely understood. So how is the food industry tackling this issue?
In fact, none of the 1,297 complementary foods tested from six companies were up to scratch, according to the Access to Nutrition Initiative. The food makers disagree.
The World Health Organization has funded research analysing the nutritional composition of ultra-processed plant-based burgers, and the findings are out.
It’s very difficult to ‘crack’ better-for-you indulgence, according to maker of HFSS compliant doughnuts Urban Legend. Here’s how founder and ex-Graze CEO Anthony Fletcher claims to have done it.
Affordable, better-for-you and flavourful salty snacks lead producers’ formulation considerations in 2024, while creating resilient crops and exploring the metaverse landscape drive the wider value chain.