
Should maize be included in EUDR? GettyImages/Justin Paget

Should maize be included in EUDR?

By Donna Eastlake

The EUDR deadline is now less than five months away. But as the 30 December date looms on the horizon, we wonder if there are commodities missing from the list, in particular, maize.

Image: Getty/Igor Alecsander

Regen ag: Undefined and unable to feed the planet?

By Oliver Morrison

Yes, its broad principles offer a promising path towards sustainable nutrition and food security for the future. But without a standard definition regen ag risks becoming a soon-disregarded fad, it has been warned.

Smart packaging that fights food waste. GettyImages/nadia_bormotova

Smart packaging that fights food waste

By Donna Eastlake

Packaging that lowers food waste? It seems too good to be true but scientists say it’s possible, in fact, it already exists!

Pic: GettyImages/Aleksey Gulyaev

Bringing the snacks industry up to date on acrylamide

By Gill Hyslop

Acrylamide – the naturally occurring chemical compound that forms in carb-rich foods like potato chips and pretzels during high-temperature cooking processes such as frying, baking and roasting – is an ongoing concern for the salty snacks sector.

© GettyImages/Richard Drury

White House urges delay of EUDR

By Jane Byrne

The Biden administration has urged the EU to delay the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) until its "substantial challenges" are addressed.

© Traitov / Getty Images

French agency warns ashwagandha unsafe in specific populations

By Nikki Hancocks

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has warned against the use of ashwagandha in a number of specific populations, making it likely operators will be advised to use label warnings.

Plant-based toxins pose danger to health. GettyImages/Tara Moore

Plant-based toxins pose danger to health

By Donna Eastlake

Plant toxins have always existed in plant foods but their potential health implications remain relatively unknown to consumers. Why?


Should sugar taxes be extended beyond beverages?

By Rachel Arthur

Most ‘sugar taxes’ are, in reality, ones that apply specifically to beverages. Is this fair – and would extending them to items such as chocolate, cakes and biscuits work?

© Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images

EFSA establishes new safe level for iron intake

By Nikki Hancocks

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has not been able to establish a tolerable upper intake (TUI) level for iron but has agreed a 'safe level' of 40 mg per day for adults.

According to the World Health Organization, 2.7m people die in Europe every year due to four major commercial products – one of which is ultra-processed food. GettyImages/gerenme

Ultra-processed food kills, says WHO

By Flora Southey

The World Health Organization is linking ultra-processed food, alcohol, tobacco, and fossil fuel industries to millions of deaths in Europe every year.

A report by a coalition of leading retailers has found both positive and disappointing progress in the cocoa sector. Pic: GettyImages

Just how ready is the cocoa sector for EUDR?

By Gill Hyslop

Despite a deadline that is still seven months away, the incoming EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is already driving efforts on the traceability of cocoa supplies. Conversely, the same study found a distinct lack of progress on other critical issues...

Is seasonal eating making a comeback? GettyImages/alle12

Is seasonal eating making a comeback?

By Donna Eastlake

From Egyptian potatoes to Mexican strawberries, the European food system operates on a whatever you want, whenever you want it, basis. But are consumers turning away from international imports and instead embracing local produce?

There are still barriers to full adoption of plant-based. Image Source: Getty Images/coldsnowstorm

How will policy in Europe affect plant-based?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

A diverse range of businesses, academics and activists have supported a transition to plant-based protein. But in Europe, politics, and political will, still provide a barrier.

How the EU elections are expected to impact snack producers

How the EU elections are expected to impact snack producers

By Gill Hyslop

We catch up with Sebastian Emig, director general of the European Snacks Association (ESA) to find out why he is excited about the upcoming elections for the new European Parliament. He also talks about the Green Deal and SNACKEX 2024: an event not to...

Has the plant-based trend peaked? GettyImages/ArtMarie

Has the plant-based trend peaked?

By Donna Eastlake

The plant-based trend has been on the up and up in recent years. But has it finally peaked and, if yes, can the plant-based industry do anything to prevent a decline?

Precision agriculture needs integrated data to work well. Image Source: Getty Images/andreswd

Will precision agriculture ever be adopted?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Precision agriculture provides many benefits for farmers and can help suppliers manage food. But with a myriad of issues, including regulation and farmer adoption, will we ever see widespread use?

Pic: GettyImages/Francesco Scantena

The end to forever chemicals in snack packaging?

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

As the US prohibits PFAS chemicals in new food products’ grease-proofing packaging materials and Europe identifies a gap in testing data, calls louden for a total ban on the harmful substances.

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