
As farmers age, a larger and larger percentage are over 60. Image Source: Getty Images/Henry Arden

How to incentivise farmers to work longer

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With an ageing population and youth reluctance forcing up the average age of farmers in Europe, how can they be incentivised to stay in a physically demanding job for longer?

The CSDDD has now been passed through the European Parliament. Now comes implementation. Image Source: Getty Images/Viktor Cvetkovic

How will the CSDDD be implemented in EU member states?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

The CSDDD, which aims to keep large companies’ supply chains to high standards on sustainability and human rights, has passed through the European Parliament. Next comes the tricky part: implementation.

© ericsphotography / Getty Images

Kemin receives novel food authorization for BetaVia Pure

By Nikki Hancocks

Kemin Industries has received novel food authorization from the European Commission for its BetaVia Pure postbiotic ingredient, a proprietary strain of the algae Euglena gracilis, with five-year exclusivity in the European market.

How much freedom should cows have? Image Source: Getty Images/DaydreamsGirl

How much time should dairy cows spend outside?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

To have a fulfilling life, cows arguably must be allowed outside. But what constitutes a ‘free-range’ cow is ambiguous. For optimum welfare, farmers must balance time outdoors and time indoors.

© Zerbor / Getty Images

UK consultation on novel food streamlining plans

By Nikki Hancocks

UK food authorities have launched a consultation to collect views on policy change proposals that aim to streamline the authorization process for regulated products such as novel foods.

How is the food industry tackling salt reduction? GettyImages/AJ Paulsen

How is the food industry tackling salt reduction?

By Donna Eastlake

High levels of salt in food is becoming an increasing concern for healthcare professionals and consumers as the dangers of a high-salt diet becomes more widely understood. So how is the food industry tackling this issue?

Will EU delay EUDR deadline? GettyImages/luoman

Will EU delay EUDR deadline?

By Donna Eastlake

Rumours are rife that the EU is planning to delay the EUDR deadline past 30 December 2024. But is this true, and if not, are suppliers and manufacturers ready?

CSDDD backed by EU: What’s changed? GettyImages-/harrocks

CSDDD backed by EU: What’s changed?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

After weeks of delay, the CSDDD has finally gained EU backing. However, with a range of concessions and changes made to the legislation, what does the revised CSDDD look like?

Policy, the speakers agreed, should be at the heart of the food system. Image Source: Getty Images/Yagi Studio

The role of policy in a good food system

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

What makes a great food system? Panellists at the City Food and Drink lecture this week argued that policy has a key role in health, food security, and sustainability.

© D-Keine / Getty Images

UK Gov to crack down on misleading marketing online

By Nikki Hancocks

The UK Government will soon introduce the hotly anticipated Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill created to see stricter enforcement of consumer protection laws related to online marketing of products.

When passing its ban on cultivated meat, Italy did not go through the TRIS procedure. Image Source: Getty Images/sergeyryzhov

The future of Italy’s cultivated meat ban

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Last year, Italy attempted to ban cultivated meat production and the marketing of cultivated meat products. However, the law has come into difficulty for its failure to go through the right procedures at EU level.

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