Food waste

Smart packaging that fights food waste. GettyImages/nadia_bormotova

Smart packaging that fights food waste

By Donna Eastlake

Packaging that lowers food waste? It seems too good to be true but scientists say it’s possible, in fact, it already exists!

Policy, the speakers agreed, should be at the heart of the food system. Image Source: Getty Images/Yagi Studio

The role of policy in a good food system

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

What makes a great food system? Panellists at the City Food and Drink lecture this week argued that policy has a key role in health, food security, and sustainability.

Are preservatives killing good gut bacteria? GettyImages/BDLM

Are preservatives killing good gut bacteria?

By Donna Eastlake

Research from the University of Chicago has found that one of the most widely used food preservatives, nisin, has a damaging effect on the good bacteria in our gut

Quality assessment is an important part of the food production process. Image Source: Getty Images/Monty Rakusen

3 start-ups boosting food quality in Europe

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Food quality technology plays a vital role both in ensuring that food is safe to eat, therefore reducing food waste, and providing insights around its health and composition. Three European start-ups tell FoodNavigator how technology can help them understand...

The study looked at a variety of research on consumer acceptance of upcycled food. Image Source: Goran13/Getty Images

Do consumers want to eat upcycled food?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Upcycling food is a good way of putting food to use that may otherwise have gone to waste. However, not all consumers will eat food that has been upcycled. A new study takes a broad look at 37 research articles on consumer acceptance, or lack thereof,...

Plastic bottles' claims to be '100% recycled' and '100% recyclable' are misleading, according to BEUC. Image Source: Yagi Studio/Getty Images

Beverage giants in hot water over plastic bottle recycling claims

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Environmental and consumer rights organisations are taking legal action against Nestlé, Danone, and The Coca-Cola Company, over recyclable claims made about their plastic bottles. They have raised an external alert to both the European Commission and...

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