A substance that greatly increases the survival of Listeria monocytogenes has been discovered by researchers who hope it will lead to better techniques to combat the pathogen.
Micro Imaging Technology (MIT) and Northern Michigan University (NMU) are investigating an alternative pathogen sample preparation method that could provide a specimen test turnaround time of four to five hours.
Increased technical efficiency, plate reader accuracy, one step confirmation and dual indicator potential are some of the marketplace drivers caused by Petrifilm Plates, according to 3M Food Testing.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has said that the time between slaughter and mincing of meat can be extended without detrimental effects on public health.
The International Association for Food Protection will feature workshops, presentations, and technologies for safety-minded professionals all along the supply chain.
A carbohydrate-rich diet may be kick-starting certain gut microbes to produce chemical signalls that drive abnormal cell growth and increase the risk of cancer, according to new research in mice.
Hot water treatment is an effective decontamination technique for raw mung bean sprouts but commercial feasibility could be affected by physical quality of the product, according to research.
A bill introduced by two US Congresswomen aims to give the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) clear authority to keep pathogens out of the meat and poultry supply chain.
Pressure BioSciences has claimed that using its pressure cycling technology (PCT) platform in the preparation of samples can result in quality and/or improved time or cost efficiency of test results.
A molecular assay to detect and quantify major genes specific for E. coli O157 has been developed and validated by researchers at Kansas State University.
A sensor capable of collecting and detecting Listeria monocytogenes on food industry surfaces is being tested by scientists at the University of Southampton.
A new understanding of how plants and crops defend themselves against diseases could help to breed more successful disease-resistant agricultural crops, say researchers.
Consumption of a gluten-free diet during pregnancy may be correlated to the health of offspring, and in particular their risk of developing type 1 diabetes, according to new research in mice.
Nofima is to start work at a specially designed processing plant to produce and package food deliberately contaminated with pathogenic bacteria in the next month.
PathSensors Inc. is introducing the portable Zephyr Pathogen Identifier system, which it claims delivers rapid, detection of bacteria, virus and toxins in powder and liquid samples in minutes.
The way in which our gut bacteria interact with each other may have vital implications for the risk of developing type 1 diabetes, according to new research.
A fermented sausage product that is made with probiotic lactobacilli bacteria isolated from infant faeces could transform the meat product in to a health food, according to new research.
New funding from the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) could help researchers to better understand how beneficial bacteria break down non-digestible carbohydrate.
PathoGenetix has described the biophysical processes of DNA stretching that allow for high-throughput stretching in Genome Sequence Scanning technology (GSS).
People living in cold, northern latitudes have a greater proportion of gut bacteria that may predispose them to obesity, according to new meta-analysis data.
Increasing food microbiology testing, growing use of rapid microbial methods and booming business for food contract testing labs are three trends identified by Strategic Consulting, Inc
Youngsters are highly susceptible to foodborne illnesses and practical school lessons should teach pupils about food safety, according to a study in the Food Control journal.
Incorporating essential oils (EOs) into nanocomposite films could control food pathogens and maintain the necessary barrier properties, according to research.
The use of biocides in food products may be endangering, rather than protecting, public health by increasing antibiotic resistance in potentially harmful bacteria, warn researchers.
Micro Imaging Technology has expanded the use of its pathogen detection system to include Staphylococcus bacteria, which is an important food pathogen.