Health and nutritional ingredients


AI tech offers food brands a finger on the pulse of trends

By Oliver Morrison

An Israeli start-up has launched its AI-powered food intelligence platform in the UK. The company – called Tastewise – says it can offer real-time industry insights on how consumers order, cook, and eat, to help brands with product innovation.


'Everybody should drink ketones — not just elite cyclists'

By Oliver Morrison

Ketone drinks have been embraced by professional athletes looking to boost their performance. But these ‘magic potions’ have the potential for mass appeal, believes the scientist who helped develop them, although taste and price remain huge barriers in...

The most famous upcycled product ever? Image: Getty/Goldenutz

Food waste upcycling ‘ripe for innovation’: report

By Oliver Morrison

Food waste upcycling is an area ripe for innovation, says Oakland Innovation. Its report aims to show how food and beverage manufacturers can make upcycling a viable and effective solution to address the food waste challenge.

If consumer interest in healthy eating is waning, innovation and reformulation are the solution / Pic: GettyImages

Healthy eating takes lockdown hit: IGD

By Katy Askew

People feel that their diets have got worse during the coronavirus lockdown. And, while more people say health is an important purchase motivator, fewer consumers are going to make healthy changes to their diets, according to IGD data.

Minister of Food and Agriculture Julia Klöckner and WBAE Chairman Harald Grethe BMEL/Mewes

Germany mulls introduction of mandatory climate and NutriScore labels

By Oliver Morrison

An influential advisory group in Germany has urged the government to introduce mandatory climate labels on foodstuffs to display the greenhouse gas emissions of products, as well as for a mandatory roll out of the as yet voluntary NutriScore labelling...

Image: HempFlax

Using blockchain to boost traceability in the CBD market

By Oliver Morrison

The Cannabinoid Association of the Netherlands (CAN), a consortium of Dutch CBD producers, is harnessing blockchain technology with the hope of improving transparency, accountability and traceability in the CBD market.

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