Health and nutritional ingredients

GettyImages/Eugenio Marongiu

What does ‘overlooked’ Gen Z want from healthy food?

By Flora Southey

Findings from a Gen Z study commissioned by EIT Food are instrumental to understanding what the food system will look like, as well as which innovations are needed to fulfil the needs and demands of the future, Saskia Nuijten, Director of Communications...

Image: Getty/CabecaDeMarmore

What’s inspiring innovation in low-to-no beverages?

By Katy Askew

Low-to-no alcoholic beverages are a growth space exciting the drinks sector. Experts from FoodNavigator and sister publications BeverageDaily, The Grocer and Lumina Intelligence weigh in on the segment’s prospects.

How UK brands are reformulating to avoid the HFSS ad ban

How UK brands are reformulating to avoid the HFSS ad ban

By Oliver Morrison

UK food brands are currently digesting planned government legislation coming next year which will prevent marketing and advertising of HFSS being shown on TV (pre-9pm) and online from 2022 and limit where these products can be placed in bricks and mortar...

Can reformulation answer the mounting public health crisis? IGD shares industry perspectives / Pic: Getty Images Liountmila Korelidou

What does the future hold for reformulation?

By Hannah Pearse, Head of Nutrition and Scientific Affairs at IGD

With the impending publication of part two of the National Food Strategy in the UK, IGD convened major retailers, manufacturers, food service companies and members of the National Food Strategy team to discuss reformulation, the challenges, and opportunities....

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