Fruit, vegetable, nut ingredients

Fresh study confirms global herbal supply chains susceptible to fraud / GettyImages5PH

How safe is your sage? Study uncovers high levels of adulteration

By Katy Askew

A fresh study looking at the authenticity of popular herb sage finds that more than a quarter of products sampled in the UK are adulterated. The results, the researchers say, emphasise that global herb supply chains are susceptible to food fraud.


AI tech offers food brands a finger on the pulse of trends

By Oliver Morrison

An Israeli start-up has launched its AI-powered food intelligence platform in the UK. The company – called Tastewise – says it can offer real-time industry insights on how consumers order, cook, and eat, to help brands with product innovation.

The most famous upcycled product ever? Image: Getty/Goldenutz

Food waste upcycling ‘ripe for innovation’: report

By Oliver Morrison

Food waste upcycling is an area ripe for innovation, says Oakland Innovation. Its report aims to show how food and beverage manufacturers can make upcycling a viable and effective solution to address the food waste challenge.


Ground-breaking trial gives new hope for peanut allergies

By Oliver Morrison

A trial suggests that oral immunotherapy treatment, which involves repeated exposure over time to gradually increase doses of the allergen, could allow sufferers to increase their tolerance to peanuts. They would not be able to eat nuts at will, but their...

If consumer interest in healthy eating is waning, innovation and reformulation are the solution / Pic: GettyImages

Healthy eating takes lockdown hit: IGD

By Katy Askew

People feel that their diets have got worse during the coronavirus lockdown. And, while more people say health is an important purchase motivator, fewer consumers are going to make healthy changes to their diets, according to IGD data.

Image: Shutterstock/MongPro

Fig extract can benefit diabetic treatment: study

By Oliver Morrison

Botanical ingredients supplier Euromed claims a study shows that its fig extract product, called ABAlife, can lower the glycaemic index of foods, and could potentially be a treatment for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, while also help to make products...

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