Novel Food

How do EC novel food rules approach data protection? / Pic: Pic EU-EC

Guest article

A fresh look at data protection under the novel food regime

By Katia Merten-Lentz

The novel food regime aims to balance between operating as a system of generic authorisations and protecting IP to reward research and innovation. Katia Merten-Lentz, Partner and Founder of international niche firm Food Law Science & Partners, discusses...

Navigating the challenging ground of Novel Foods regulation / Pic: Getty Images-Aleksandr_Kravtsov

CBD and Novel Foods: A guide to who, what and when

By Katy Askew

CBD is considered a Novel Food by European regulators. While many CBD products remain on the market, they have not been authorised by European authorities. FoodNavigator takes a look at the path to compliance and tries to shed some light on the questions...

A novel food application for Coffea leaves is currently under review. ©GettyImages/af_istocker

What are the emerging trends in novel foods?

By Flora Southey

What novel food applications are manufacturers pushing for authorisation? According to Chair of the UK’s Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes, Professor Peter Gregory, emerging trends include sustainability, meat analogues, and ‘healthy’ foods.

Hurdles stand in the way of CBD becoming a trend with sticking power ©Getty Images / Aleksandr_Kravtsov

CBD: Trending ingredient or ingredient trend?

By Katy Askew

CBD has caught the public's imagination as an ingredient offering a host of health benefits. But for all the hype, CBD also courts controversy. To move from a trending ingredient to an ingredient trend, the sector will need to overcome the complex...

Is there a legal route to market for CBD products? Pic: GettyImages-IRA_EVVA

What does legal limbo mean for CBD?

By Katy Askew

The legal status of CBD is again attracting attention after the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) confirmed the ingredient is classified as a Novel Food and therefore requires pre-market authorisation. But with a lack of enforcement action, where does...

A streamlined novel food regulation will help SMEs innovate ©iStock

Expert View

Novel foods: An opportunity to access innovation

By Katia Merten-Lentz, partner at international law firm Keller and Heckman

New novel food regulations came into force in the European Union this January. Thanks to this new legislation, food business operators are now equipped with tools facilitating innovation, Keller and Heckman partner Katia Merten-Lentz suggests.

“I fear the same objection policies will prevail into the new regulation,

Dispatches from EFSA stakeholder meeting in Brussels

Novel regulation - same old delays? Stakeholders express novel food process concerns

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The updated novel food regulation has been billed by the European Commission as a new streamline system that will put innovation back on the EU menu – yet attendees of a stakeholders meeting this week expressed concern these hopes would be dashed by duplication...

About 27% of the 7.3 billion global population eat insects, according to the FAO. Photo credit: / peterkai

Two-year count down for insect novel food approval

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Producers of food-grade insects will submit a novel food application as soon as the new regulation passes into force, the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) has pledged.

The challenges of selling insects in Europe

The challenges of selling insects in Europe

By Niamh Michail

EU regulation is confusing but with growing consumer demand, it's still an attractive market. FoodNavigator spoke to five companies about the challenges of selling insects in Europe.

The doors to new applications have been reopened, but there may still be delays, says the resource-strapped Food Standards Agency

UK FSA: "We are working to clear the backlog as quickly as possible."

UK FSA reopens novel foods doors after industry concern

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has backtracked on a decision to close its doors on EU novel foods applications after stakeholder unrest at the UK government austerity driven measure. 

Public policy expert says FSA freeze on new novel food ingredient applications is “an appalling development” that is bad for British business.

UK FSA: "If you are interested in submitting a novel food dossier to the EU, we advise you to contact another EU member state..."

UK FSA closes door on novel food applications as austerity bites

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The UK Food Standards Agency is no longer accepting novel food applications, a development one public policy expert says is “alarming”.

Algatchnologies' southern Israel astaxanthin facility is set for expansion and cost reductions, the company says

Algatech: Functional food on astaxanthin horizon

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Israeli firm Algatechnologies will work towards gaining approval for its astaxanthin as a novel food and beverage ingredient in Europe, but first it must meet existing demands and cut prices, it said.


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