
Danbo, a hard cheese, is one of Denmark's most popular. GettyImages/Jesper Mattias

Researchers accelerate Danish cheese production with ripening 'shortcut'

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Once, Danish Danbo cheese would take at least a month to mature. However, researchers from the DTU National Food Institute have figured out a way of cutting down this time to just a few days – putting the cheese in a fermentation tank to create prime...

Pic: GettyImages-Chris Strickland

Guest article

Meat and milk are more sustainable when the grass is greener

By Dr. Jacobo Arango

Dr. Jacobo Arango, environmental biologist at the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Lead Author, IPCC Working Group III 6th Assessment Report on mitigation; and co-lead of the OneCGIAR initiative...


Wilk serves up hybrid yogurt made with cultivated milk fat

By Teodora Lyubomirova

The Israeli foodtech company says the concept product provides validation of its technology, which involves growing milk-producing cells in a lab. “This is a significant milestone, not just for Wilk, but for the global industry.”

ADM teams up with New Culture to scale up animal-free dairy platform

ADM teams up with New Culture to scale up animal-free dairy platform

By Elaine Watson

New Culture, a startup producing casein proteins (minus the cows) via microbial fermentation to make mozzarella and other dairy products has announced a strategic partnership with global ingredients giant ADM to scale up its animal-free dairy operation.


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