
Mondelēz uses palm oil in a range of confectionery and biscuit products


Mondelēz throws down sustainable palm oil gauntlet

By Rod Addy

Mondelēz is challenging palm oil suppliers to step up their game so it can move towards using physical supplies of purely sustainable palm oil for all its products.

World Environment Day should be used to celebrate natural resources and acknowledge the work of farmers, but also draw focus on the role the global food sector has to play, says Food Tank chief

World Environment Day - June 5 2014 - Driving action on climate change

Sustainable food: Cut the greenwashing and act now, says Food Tank

By Kacey Culliney

Food manufacturers don’t understand the urgency of sustainability and need to act faster, but also communicate actions better with consumers, says the president of global NGO Food Tank.

Healthy burgers could be on the menu: Study

By Nicola Cottam

Consumers have a positive attitude towards healthy burgers and therefore a greater propensity to buy them, according to a study carried out by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Proposed GM law changes has created uproar

Proposed GM law creates uproar

By Laurence Gibbons

A new law being discussed in Brussels this week could give biotech companies “unprecedented power” over decisions to ban genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe, according to Friends of the Earth (FoE).

EFSA invites comments on draft allergy evaluation

EFSA invites comments on draft allergy evaluation

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is inviting comments on a draft scientific opinion for the evaluation of allergenic foods and food ingredients for labelling purposes.

'No concerns': EFSA has given Monsanto the thumbs up for its SDA-rich genetically modified soybean crop.

EFSA gives Monsanto the green light on SDA-rich GM soy

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has delivered a positive scientific opinion on Monsanto’s MON 87769 soybean crop, which has been genetically modified to contain stearidonic acid.

“Attempts to promote healthy diets will only work if the food systems underpinning them are put right,” warns UN Special Rapporteur Olivier De Schutter.

Unhealthy diets now rank above tobacco global as cause of preventable diseases

Battling unhealthy food requires tobacco-style response

By Nathan Gray

The international community must develop a global convention similar to the legal framework for tobacco control to fight diet-related ill health, warn Consumers International and the World Obesity Federation.

GreenPalm: More needs to be done in,

More EU members urged to back sustainable palm oil trading

By Nicola Cottam

Sustainable palm oil trader GreenPalm will use this year’s European Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Summit as a platform to urge key players in the EU palm oil industry to galvanise shared knowledge and promote sustainable sourcing.

“Most high-fiber claims come from the bread sector. Oat fiber leads in this category just before wheat fiber...

Special edition: Closing the fiber gap

Bread still rules high-fiber realm; Latin America rising fast


When it comes to fiber, baked goods are king. That might sound obvious, but in a world where the nutrient, its source and end application are often separated, it is worth stating.

British Heart Foundation dietician: Fortification isn't absolutely necessary, we have everything we need in 'normal' food

Special edition: Closing the fiber gap

Cereal gets to the heart of fiber deficiency, but is fortification the way to go?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

High cereal fiber intake after a heart attack may improve long-term survival rates, research suggests, but these benefits could be achieved with a balanced, healthy diet, rather than through fortified goods, says British Heart Foundation senior dietician. 

Clare Cheney gives traffic light labels the red light

Traffic light labels: 'not the answer to obesity'

By Clare Cheney

Now that common sense has been confirmed by a consumer survey that traffic light labelling is confusing and misleading, maybe the Department of Health (DH) should sit up, take stock and review its strategy on healthy eating

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