Conveyor belts now easier to clean, claims company
easier to clean in food environments prone to sticking and
Manufacturers and processors are looking for easy-to-clean solutions for their production lines as stricter contamination regulations have increased the need for frequent belt wash downs.
The company, a subsidiary of Switzerland-based Habasit, has designed the M2514 belt with speed cleaning in mind. The belt's non-stick surface prevents materials such as fruits, vegetables, meat and even pasta from adhering to the belt, the company claims.
The belt's ability to remain free residual build-up allows for easier cleaning, which will cut costs and reduced the possibility of contamination. The belt also has smooth edges and a flat bottom which reduces build-up that can occur away from the primary contact surface.
Habasit has fixed the belt with an oblong hole design which improves the access of cleaning fluid to the rods that link the belt together. This makes it possible to clean along the entire length of the joint, releasing contamination and trapped foodparticles, the company said.
The belt is also designed with an open hinge that oscillates between a parallel and elliptical shape. This fluctuation loosens debris as the hinge moves over the sprocket.
The belt can be manually cleaned or coupled with Habasit's ModulClean system that consists of a precision-machined, ultra high-density polyethylene multi-tooth sprocket hub imbedded with an engineered spray nozzle.
Habasit says that the belt is designed to optimise cleaning time by reducing the need for excess cleaning tools. In some cases the belt must be taken off the machine entirely, costing companies time and resources.
This belt is the latest edition to the existing product line-up of belts from Habasit Rossi which include fabric-based belts, plastic modular belts and power transmission belts.