Bananas to combat sexual disease

Scientists in the US are claiming this week that people will soon
be able to protect themselves from sexually-transmitted diseases by
simply eating bananas.

Scientists in the US are claiming this week that people will soon be able to protect themselves from sexually-transmitted diseases by simply eating bananas.

A report from states that Dr Robert Rose, a virologist at the University of Rochester, is currently growing a potato genetically injected with a vaccine for the human papilloma virus, a sexually transmitted disease that affects 20 million Americans.

The report adds that within two years Rose plans to inject the vaccine into bananas and believes that they are ideal for distributing vaccines because "everyone likes them."

Rose maintained that bananas are better than needles because they grow in tropical areas where the virus is a huge problem, reports Wireless Flash News. He anticipates that it will be five years before the anti-STD bananas are available to the public.

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