Food labelling

Organic is 'in sync' with the natural and clean label trend and will go from strength to strength, says Euromonitor analyst Eva Hudson. © iStock/Antonio_Diaz

Organic and free-from in rude health as shoppers study labels

By David Burrows

Sales of free-from and organic foods have rocketed in Europe as more and more shoppers spend time looking at labels in order to identify “guilt free” purchases, according to new data from Euromonitor International.

© iStock/ronniechua

EU Parliament passes CETA trade deal

By Niamh Michail

MEPs have voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada in Strasbourg today with 408 votes in favour and 254 against.

Data will be used to stimulate growth. © iStock/JackF

EU seafood survey: 28,000 polled. Italians most adventurous

By Niamh Michail

Most Hungarians never buy fish, adventurous Italians are most willing to try new species, Greeks wants more on-pack origin information and one third of Europeans have no preference for wild or farmed fish, according to a survey by Eurobarometer.

© iStock/bhofack

UMFHA tells fake manuka honey to buzz off

By Emma Jane Cash

The Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA) has developed a system that uses compounds to validate manuka honey as genuine, after a rise in fake manuka honey was sold in UK markets.

© iStock/dennisvdw

Portugal to trial origin labelling for milk

By Niamh Michail

Portugal will go ahead with compulsory origin labelling on milk, cheese and other dairy products, the country's minister for agriculture confirmed this week.

MPs are trying to amend EU law to protect 'free-range' poultry from the bird flu crisis ©iStock

Bird flu could halt free range egg production, warn MEPs

By Louis Gore-Langton

Outbreaks of bird flu throughout Europe could put a stop to free range eggs as safety precautions make meeting the labelling requirements impossible, Dutch members of the EU parliament have warned.

UK sales of gluten-free foods are projected to reach £673 million (€787m) by 2020 according to Kantar Worldpanel. © iStock

Industry welcomes GFIA, the UK's gluten-free trade group

By Niamh Michail

UK food firms have created the Gluten Free Industry Association (GFIA) to promote best practice manufacturing tips, gluten testing and ingredient sourcing for the free-from sector's most lucrative category. 

Ethical labelling is under scrutiny like never before in the wake of documented abuses. But its promise remains strong. ©iStock/Antonio_Diaz

Ethical certification promises much - but it's been a tough year

By David Burrows

Back in 2014 I interviewed Hans Jöhr, who at the time was corporate head of agriculture at Nestlé. We had a (refreshingly) open discussion about certification schemes. Some of them are “cheating consumers” and “cannot help farmers be better farmers per...

“Careful selection of the right cultures in yoghurts and cheeses can potentially eliminate thickeners like carrageenan, or antifungals such as sorbic acid.” ©iStock

Looking to nature for better ‘clean label’ reformulation

By Nathan GRAY

Industry should look closer at nature’s solutions for current reformulation challenges by mapping out all the possible functionalities of ingredients already present in foods, says Dr Aidan Craigwood, consultant at Innovia Technology.

'The FSI is a tool for policymakers and experts to orient their action [...] and for the public to conscientiously adjust their behavior for the food of our health and our planet,' says the report. © iStock

France tops global food sustainability index

By Niamh Michail

France is the top ranking country for tackling food waste and nutritional challenges while Germany is ranked number one for sustainable agriculture, according to a 25-nation food sustainability index by the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN).

'There are several incorrectly qualified and labelled products [because] the supervisory authorities do not have specific and adequate measures to regulate this kind of behaviour,' said de Castro. © iStock/Kuvona

MEPs oppose plant-based alternatives using meat terms

By Niamh Michail

The battle over plant-based terminology has moved into the meat arena with two Italian MEPs calling for laws to prevent vegetarian alternatives from using names such as prosciutto and mortadella.

© iStock/Tonygers

Made in Switzerland 'Swissness' law to enter in force 1 January 2017

'Unfortunate': Nestlé to lose Swiss cross on 80 brands

By Niamh Michail

Nestlé will be forced to drop the Swiss cross from 80 products manufactured in Switzerland following a new law on 'Swissness' set to come into force in January next year. "This is very unfortunate," the head of Nestlé Switzerland has...

FoodWatch opposes the proposed logo, saying it will create a two-tier system for consumers and normalise poor rearing conditions.© iStock/Songqiuju

Germany's proposed animal welfare logo meets opposition

By Niamh Michail

Germany's plan to introduce a voluntary animal welfare logo, starting with pork products, has been met with opposition from groups saying good animal husbandry should be mandatory for all meat and dairy products.

FoodSmartphone, MyToolBox, LAMP at RME

dispatches from Rapid Methods Europe

Research round-up: Rapid Methods Europe 2016 special

By Joseph James Whitworth

FoodQualityNews went to Amsterdam to look at the posters that presented a sample of the latest research and work in food safety and quality.