European Union

EFSA appoints committee

EFSA appoints committee

The European Food Safety Authority's scientific committee says that
its panels have now been appointed, opening the way for the body to
start work on streamlining safety within the European food and
drinks industry.

Bush joins the GM debate

Bush joins the GM debate

The confrontation between Europe and the United States over
genetically modified foods shifted up a gear this week when the US
President George. W. Bush accused Europe of impeding efforts to
fight world famine because of its trade...

Europe says yes to tagging

Europe says yes to tagging

The European Commission believes that the results of the Electronic Identification of Animals (Idea) project, presented yesterday, confirm the feasibility of electronically tagging cattle, sheep and goats.

Collagen regs in NI

Collagen regs in NI

The FSA is inviting comment on the draft Collagen and Gelatine
(Intra-Community Trade) Regulations for Northern Ireland 2003.
Comments are particularly welcome regarding the impact on business,
identification of additional costs and...

The economics of GMOs

The economics of GMOs

As the European Commission tells member states to tow the EU line
over genetically modified organisms, the issue continues to gain
pace elsewhere in the world. A report released today in New Zealand
on the economic risks and opportunities...

FSA honey regulations updated

FSA honey regulations updated

The Food Standards Agency in England is seeking comments on draft
regulations that include requirements for honey to be labelled with
country of origin. The regulations set out compositional standards
that a product must comply with...

GMOs, the next step?

GMOs, the next step?

Last week the European Commission threatened 12 EU member states
with court action should they continue to ignore new EU legislation
regulating the release of GMOs into the environment. A new survey
released this week backs up the...

Double trouble for Wrigley

Double trouble for Wrigley

Wm Wrigley, the US-based gum maker, is staring defeat in the face
in its bid to register its Doublemint trademark in the EU. A senior
legal advisor at the European Court of Justice yesterday said that
an earlier decision by a lower...

FSAI embraces transparency

FSAI embraces transparency

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) yesterday made a
further step towards openness and transparency with the launch of a
new tool to improve the flow of information between consumer and
state and to gauge industry views on...

Bullying French unions fined

Bullying French unions fined

The European Commission for the first time imposed fines on farmers
unions yesterday. Six French federations in the beef sector
received a total of €16.7 million in fines for taking part in an
agreement to set a minimum price for...

Building nests in the EU

Building nests in the EU

The new and emerging science and technology (NEST) programme from
the European Commission is an opportunity for the research
community to communicate what is important, said William Cannell,
head of unit for NEST in the Commission's...

Hope for CAP

Hope for CAP

Decoupling would secure significant income gains for EU farmers,
writes the European Commission this week. The comment on the link
between production and subsidy - so called 'decoupling' - is in
response to the release of...

Ministers debate CAP

Ministers debate CAP

Meeting in Brussels this week under the umbrella of the Agriculture
Council, European agriculture ministers hammered out the latest
issues affecting agriculture in Europe. Food safety and CAP reform
headlined the event.

EFSA: the right flavour?

EFSA: the right flavour?

Geoffrey Podger, the recently elected executive director of the
European Food Safety Authority, this week gave the green light for
the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to evaluate flavours
for an EU-wide initiative that is...

Health: EU moves up a gear

Health: EU moves up a gear

The high profile issue of health continues to grab the spotlight
with the news yesterday that the European Commission is to pour
€312m into a new action programme 'to protect and improve the
health of Europe's citizens'.


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