
Common ground in the food system over food justice

Common ground in the food system over food justice

By Jess Halliday

The Food and Fairness Inquiry threw up much common ground between industry and other participants, says DG of the Food and Drink Federation – but an adjudicator over manufacturer-retailer relations is still needed as soon as possible.

European local food logo, professionalised local food systems proposed

European local food logo, professionalised local food systems proposed

By Jess Halliday

A new European logo for local foods could help consumers identify products sold a short distance from their place of origin, says the Dutch regional councillor behind an opinion on professionalising local food systems to bolster regional economies and...

Cheese - with 50% less salt

Micro salt: Coming to a supermarket near you ...

By Elaine Watson

The firm behind a new breed of microscopic salt crystals that is helping manufacturers slash sodium and retain their clean-labels has branched out into the retail market with the development of a consumer product called Solti.

New strategies for salt reduction

New strategies for salt reduction

By Nathan Gray

Reducing salt in food products is a key challenge for the industry, but reducing salt can impact consumer perceptions of taste and preference. Is it possible to maintain, or boost salt intensity and flavours, whilst reducing actual salt levels?

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