
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles.  © GettyImages/Dr Microbe

France looks set to ban titanium dioxide

By Niamh Michail

As France looks poised to ban titanium dioxide by the end of 2018, the government has praised “pioneering” manufacturers for voluntarily removing the colouring from food products.

Six events in Q1 2018 involved Listeria monocytogenes. Picture: iStock

News in Brief

Listeria tops INFOSAN cases in Q1 2018

By Joseph James Whitworth

INFOSAN was involved in 16 food safety events involving 106 countries in the first quarter of this year.

Picture: iStock

Food Safety Recall round-up 12-18 May 2018

Recalls: E. coli, Hepatitis E and mycotoxins

By Joseph James Whitworth

Recalls and alerts were made by England, Ireland, Scotland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Slovakia.

Markus Geiser of IRSweep at Analytica 2018

Dispatches from Analytica 2018

IRSweep tunes into applications in mid-IR spectroscopy market

By Joseph James Whitworth

IRSweep is looking to take advantage of applications including food analysis with mid‐IR sensing being a young and developing field in the laboratory analytical instrumentation market.

Picture: iStock.

Food Safety Recall round-up 28 April - 4 May 2018

Recalls: Plastic, bacillus cereus and allergens

By Joseph James Whitworth

Recalls and alerts were made by England, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Germany and Austria

© GettyImages/thamerpic

Galicia sets legal definition of artisan food

By Niamh Michail

Spain's Galicia has set a legal definition of artisan food, which prohibits the use of artificial colours, flavours and tropical fats such as palm oil and coconut oil.

Food Safety Recall round-up

Food Safety Recall round-up 21-27 April 2018

Recalls: Enterobacter Sakazakii, E. coli and allergens

By Joseph James Whitworth

Recalls and alerts were made by England, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Austria.

Dairy UK says the Eating Better report cherry picks statistics that paint a false picture of the UK industry.

Dairy UK slams Eating Better report

By Jim Cornall

Dairy UK has responded angrily to the publication of a new report urging consumers to change their diet to include less meat and dairy products.

Unilever is leveraging innovation to 'modernise' its food brands

How Unilever is growing volumes through innovation

By Katy Askew

Unilever wants to grow its food and refreshment brands in developed markets like Europe through a focus on innovation. This focus has enabled the group to increase its sales volumes in the face of weak markets and pricing pressure.

Picture: iStock

Food Safety Recall round-up 1-20 April 2018

Recalls: Listeria, foreign bodies and nicotine

By Joseph James Whitworth

Recalls and alerts were made by England, Ireland, Scotland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

© GettyImages/Grufnar

EFSA in radical transparency overhaul

By Niamh Michail

In a radical revamp of its risk assessment process, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) could publish confidential data if deemed essential to protecting public health, according to draft rules aimed at boosting transparency and trust in science.

© GettyImages/Riddofranz

Sweden to investigate low uptake of Keyhole logo

By Niamh Michail

Sweden's National Food Agency will investigate why many manufacturers choose not to add the free-to-use, healthy eating Keyhole logo to their products despite being eligible.

According to Granarolo, the new Granarolo G+ is a

ENEA and Granarolo launch low-sugar lactose-free milk

By Jim Cornall

From a collaboration between ENEA and Gruppo Granarolo, one of the leading dairy brand in Italy, comes G+milk, which the company says is easily digestible, lactose free and with 30% less sugar than whole milk.

Stevia, listed as E 960 in Europe, is made by extracting the sweet-tasting molecules from the stevia plant. © iStock/zeleno

PureCircle plays down EU stevia stumbling block

By Niamh Michail

Malaysian supplier PureCircle must provide more data to prove the safety of both minor steviol glycosides and glucosylated stevia, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has said in two separate opinions.

© GettyImages/adrian825

Are some 'no added sugar' claims really illegal?

By Niamh Michail

Claims such as ‘no added sugar’ on foods containing sweeteners are commonplace and an important part of healthy branding - but are they technically illegal under EU law? We put the question to a food law expert.

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles have a hexagonal crystal shape. © GettyImages/DrMicrobe

EFSA to evaluate titanium dioxide safety studies

By Niamh Michail

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will advise the Commission on whether to re-evaluate titanium dioxide by analysing four scientific studies that questioned the additive's safety.

Picture: iStock

Food Safety Recall round-up 23-29 March 2018

Recalls: Campylobacter, Rhodamine B and plastic

By Joseph James Whitworth

Recalls and alerts were made by England, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Austria.

Picture: iStock

Food Safety Recall round-up 16-22 March 2018

Recalls: Arsenic levels, norovirus and defective packaging

By Joseph James Whitworth

Recalls and alerts were made by England, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

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