Processing and Packaging


How mussels may help solve the microplastics problem

By Oliver Morrison

Microplastics – minute pieces of plastic measuring less than five millimetres that result from the breakdown of larger plastic items, such as water bottles -- have been found in everything from beer and honey to seafood and bottled water​​.

ANSES: ‘We have questions about nanomaterials'

ANSES: ‘We have questions about nanomaterials'

By Will Chu

In light of the recent ruling concerning titanium dioxide, French authorities have cast the net wider and urged caution over the use of nanomaterials in food as well as in antibacterial products.

How UK brands are reformulating to avoid the HFSS ad ban

How UK brands are reformulating to avoid the HFSS ad ban

By Oliver Morrison

UK food brands are currently digesting planned government legislation coming next year which will prevent marketing and advertising of HFSS being shown on TV (pre-9pm) and online from 2022 and limit where these products can be placed in bricks and mortar...

Mars Edge acquired German D2C targeted nutritoin company foodspring in 2019

Why Mars is betting on personalised nutrition for the masses

By Oliver Morrison

Mars Edge – the segment of Mars Incorporated dedicated to supporting human health through nutrition – is on a mission to reconcile the nutrition that consumers need with the food they want, it tells FoodNavigator.

Givaudan Taste & Wellness develops AI to streamline recipe innovation / Pic: GettyImages-Karendaev

Givaudan leverages AI for ‘next generation’ product development

By Katy Askew

Givaudan’s flavour business, Givaudan Taste & Wellness, is launching a new tool that leverages artificial intelligence for the ‘next generation’ of product development. “Success comes from combining the output of the tools with the sensitivity and...

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