All news articles for 2009

Food waste depackaging companies highlighted

Food waste depackaging companies highlighted

By Rory Harrington

Detailed information outlining the technology available to remove packaging from food waste prior to anaerobic processing has been published by the UK’s Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

Beetroot juice may boost endurance: Study

Beetroot juice may boost endurance: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Consuming beetroot juice may boost stamina and allow people to exercise for up to 16 per cent longer, according to a new study from the UK.

Food and Fairness inquiry to 'inspire and warn' manufacturers

Food and Fairness inquiry to 'inspire and warn' manufacturers

Helen Browning, chair of the Food Ethics Council, expects the food and fairness inquiry will inspire food businesses to adopt good supply chain practices and warn them off bad ones - ultimately benefit their businesses in the long term.

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