GM food

Monsanto GM pollen given safety stamp by EFSA

European science agency backs GM pollen use in food

By Nathan Gray

Europe’s top food safety regulator has delivered a scientific opinion backing Monsanto’s application to place genetically modified (GM) pollen on the market for use 'in or as foods.'

Greenpeace gone too far with Golden Rice scandal


Greenpeace gone too far with GM Golden Rice scandal

By RJ Whitehead

“Human guinea pigs”, “gambling with health” and “shadowy research project”—the terms came thick and fast in Greenpeace’s revelation about Golden Rice earlier this year.

EU rejects Séralini study linking GM maize and cancer

EU rejects Séralini study linking GM maize and cancer

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued a final rejection of the French study linking genetically modified (GM) maize and Roundup herbicide with increased cancer risk, saying it had serious defects and failed to meet scientific standards.

GM cancer study: Show us the data, says EFSA

Show us the data: EFSA urges Séralini

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has again urged the researchers behind a recent study linking GM maize to tumours in rats to provide the full research data – after the regulator released its data relating to safety evaluations.

EFSA slam Monsanto GM cancer study as scientifically unsound

EFSA slams GM cancer study as not ‘scientifically sound’

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority says recent research linking Monsanto’s herbicide and genetically modified maize to an increased risk of cancer and premature death is of ‘insufficient scientific quality to be considered valid.’

Dr David Tribe

Talking tough on Monsanto GM maize cancer study

By RJ Whitehead

Last week saw a furious row between researchers in France and their critics from around the world after they published new findings on the effect of genetically modified Roundup maize when it is fed to rats.

EFSA approves safety of GM oilseed rape

EFSA approves safety of GM oilseed rape

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved the safety of a genetically modified (GM) oilseed rape for use in foods and feed on the EU market.

Exposure to low levels of the genetically modified crop could result in a ‘greatly increased’ risk of tumors’ and premature death, say French researchers.

‘Safe’ levels of Monsanto herbicide and GM crop linked to cancer

By Nathan Gray

Long term exposure to even relatively low levels of Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup and a genetically modified resistant crop strain could result in a ‘greatly increased’ risk of tumors’ and premature death, according to new findings in rats.

Conference urges drive toward GMO-free Europe

Conference urges drive toward GMO-free Europe

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The European Green Party and the European GMO-free Regions Network is meeting with politicians, scientists, EU institutions and businesses in Brussels today to discuss the future of GMO-free food and agriculture in Europe.

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