GM food

Risk communication must improve before consumers will accept genome editing technology ©Gio_tto/iStock

Consumer understanding of genome editing ‘essential’ – BfR

By Katy Askew

Educating consumers about the nature of emerging genome editing methodology and appropriate risk communication will be “essential” to developing a public discourse around this new technology, according to German research and scientific advisory body BfR.

New plant breeding techniques: GMOs by another name? ©HYWARDS/iStock

Should ‘precision breeding’ biotech be included in GMO regulation?

By Katy Askew

Developments in genetic coding techniques open the doorway to crops that produce higher yields or have positive characteristics, such as drought or pest resistance. The EU regulates the cultivation and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food...

Cheap food has expensive consequences but how can we make 'better' food?


Cheap food has expensive consequences but how can we make 'better' food?

By Niamh Michail

Cheap food has expensive consequences for people and the planet's health but how can we make healthier and more sustainable food a reality for a global population? Grass-root movements will be key but industry must also be receptive, says Carolyn...

© iStock

Taiyo introduces sweet-tasting dietary fibres

By Emma Jane Cash

Combining sweetness with fibre, is the aim of Taiyo’s new varieties of Sunfiber, an all-natural range of soluble dietary fibres which can also be used as a sweetener.

© iStock/VeselovaElena

Tate & Lyle launches 17 non-GMO starches

By Niamh Michail

Specialty ingredient supplier Tate & Lyle will launch 17 non-GMO starches in order to meet a growing global demand, particularly in North America and Eastern Europe, it says.

'Once outside the EU the UK must develop its own external tariffs, and may find itself subject to the high external tariffs applied by the EU to agricultural products—to the detriment of UK farmers and food manufacturers.' ©iStock/Nerthuz

Brexit could pose GM headache for UK

By David Burrows

The UK’s food sector will face “enormous challenges” following Brexit, both in relation to trade with Europe and within its own borders, according to a report by the House of Lords EU energy and environment subcommittee.

Parliament failed to reach the required majority, leaving the decision in the hands of the commission  ©iStock

MEPs oppose GM approvals but Commission will have the final say

By Louis Gore-Langton

EU member states yesterday voted against the introduction and renewal of GM grains in Europe but failed to reach a binding majority, leaving the president of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to make the final decision.

© iStock/ronniechua

EU Parliament passes CETA trade deal

By Niamh Michail

MEPs have voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada in Strasbourg today with 408 votes in favour and 254 against.

Food industry bodies fear the trade deal could undermine public health, environment and food industry rights ©iStock

Stop CETA: Trans-continental coalition fights trade agreement

By Louis Gore-Langton

A coalition of over 450 civil society groups from Europe and Canada has signed an open letter pleading legislators to vote against the deal, fearing it will erode public power over the dietary and environmental impact of the food industry.

© iStock/pichet_w

New FoodConnects partnership to tackle global food challenges

By Niamh Michail

FoodConnects, a consortium of 50 industry and academic institutions from 13 different countries, has been selected by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to tackle global food challenges through a €400m innovation partnership.

UK organic certification board, the Soil Association, is firm:

'The first step towards a future with healthy, hardy plants' - but are they GMO?

CRISPR gene edited cabbage grown and cooked for the first time

By Natalie Morrison

Cabbages modified with CRISPR-Cas9 “genetic scissors” have been harvested and cooked for what is believed to be the first time, Umeå University says.

Photo: iStock / Evgeny Gromov

France calls for an end to TTIP talks

By Niamh Michail

The French trade minister said yesterday France wants to end TTIP negotiations, his German counterpart has said the talks have “de facto failed” and the deal’s biggest supporter, Britain, has voted to leave the EU. Is TTIP over before it even started?

The Commission says this is a 'time of transition' when Europe is reducing the use of animal testing thanks to major technological advances. ©iStocktiripero

Archive Article of the Week

From law to labs: EU's tide change for animal experiments

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

With mounting public pressure, the EU has experienced a tide change on the use of animal experiments in recent years. But is this in vitro political will reflected in vivo on lab floors?

Contrary to popular (European) belief, there are some areas in which the US has stricter food safety standards - such as the use of antibiotics in animal rearing, says the report. © iStock

TTIP could bring food safety regulations to a standstill: Report

By David Burrows

The controversial trade deal between the EU and the US could give multinational companies increased power to challenge food laws that impact their bottom line, according to an analysis by the US-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)....

The European Commission and environment MEPs have had multiple clashes over the subject of GM crops and glyphosate of late. © iStock

MEPs’ tough anti-GM stance criticised by industry

By David Burrows

The row over glyphosate continues to spill over into decisions relating to genetically modified (GM) crops after environment MEPs called on the European Commission to withdraw its authorisations for the use of a GM maize resistant to the weedkiller.

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