
TTIP could damage food safety, protected origin foods and flood the EU market with cheap beef and dairy imports, Friends of the Earth has warned. Photo: iStock

TTIP – a nail in the coffin for EU food producers?

By David Burrows

The big winners of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal will be the corporate food giants and US factory farms with European producers set to lose the most, according to Friends of the Earth. "Entire sectors are at risk...

Garlic: no longer to be shunned on a first date (as long as you choose the aglione variety) © KissinGarlic

Italian agri-entrepreneurs cultivate kiss-friendly heritage garlic

By Niamh Michail

Two Italian entrepreneurial farmers have launched KissinGarlic a mildly flavoured garlic that is easily digested and doesn't cause bad breath. But by cultivating a plant variety that was on the cusp of being lost, they're also on a mission to...

Horticulture and plant-based diets are the future, claims Professor Tim Lang

Policy expert slams 25-year Food and Farming Plan

By Rick Pendrous

The government’s forthcoming 25-year Food and Farming Plan has been slammed for its failure to address key issues of sustainability and described as a missed opportunity and “doomed to be irrelevant within five years” by a leading food policy expert.

The Russian government is encouraging organic food production partly because of the food import ban, said Organic Monitor director, Amarjit Sahota. © iStock

Can Russia's organic industry match Putin's ambitions?

By Niamh Michail

Russian president Vladimir Putin wants Russia to become the worlds biggest supplier of eco-friendly food - but the country still has a long way in terms of organic certification and production, say experts.

“Where there is a price difference, you are paying for the extra care organic farmers place in the environment and on animal welfare, Soil Association policy director Peter Melchett said

UK shoppers pay 89% more for organic food: survey

By Eliot Beer

UK consumers are paying an 89% premium for organic products at the major supermarkets, according to a survey, while more than half of organic shoppers think they pay too much.

“The most successful retailers, producers and fast food chains will make an effort to go ‘glocal’ – to adapt their offerings to local food preferences while retaining their more global allure,” says Euromonitor analyst Daphne Kasriel-Alexander.

'Green food': Euromonitor's top consumer food trend for 2016

How can 'Big Food' become synonymous with sustainability in 2016?

By Niamh Michail

One of 2016’s biggest food industry trends will be the switch to sustainable, says Euromonitor, affecting everything from invisible ingredients to finished products, business acquisitions to public policy – but in consumers' eyes can 'Big Food'...

Processed foods eligible for EU funding under healthy eating scheme

Processed foods eligible for EU funding under healthy eating scheme

By Niamh Michail

Manufacturers of processed foods containing fruit and milk are eligible for EU funding under a healthy eating programme for schools, approved by the agriculture committee yesterday, but maximum levels for salt, sugar and fat levels may be lowered by the...

Photo: Istock / Lukatme

FoodNavigator 2016: What's on our editorial calendar?

By Niamh Michail

Putting the spotlight on innovative start-ups, sugar reduction, sustainable sourcing and the latest trends in colour, texture and flavour, FoodNavigator's special editions calendar and online events for 2016 spans the hottest topics for the European...

“There’s a lot of work to be done to help consumers make the connection between meat and climate change,” said Catherine Happer.

COP21: Sustainability in focus

More headaches for "less meat" messaging

By David Burrows

Want to promote products with less meat or meat alternatives? Steer clear of environmental messages and focus on health, say researchers.

Chinese market open for UK organic dairy imports

Chinese market open for UK organic dairy imports

By Lynda Searby

A British organic dairy cooperative has broken into the one of the world’s most lucrative markets after being awarded the UK’s first licence through the Soil Association to export organic products to China.

The better for you (BFY) category has been a victim of the clean label and reformulation trends, says Euromonitor

exclusive guest article

The state of the health and wellness market in 2015

By Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International

Is organic still selling? Does the 'natural' trend mean fortified/functional food is now passé? And why are consumers turning their noses up at better for you (BFY) offerings? Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International,...

Wessanen reports strong Q3 results

Wessanen reports strong Q3 results

By Niamh Michail

Dutch food group Wessanen has reported strong Q3 results which it puts down to a consumer shift away from ‘Big Food’ towards healthy and sustainable food.

European organic sector in another regulation status quo

Another status quo for the European organic sector?

By Niamh Michail

EU organic legislation was supposed to dynamise the sector – but with the agricultural committee’s proposal yesterday deemed another status quo by organic groups, is future investment in the organic sector being compromised by the uncertainty?

What is more important: Local or organic?

What is more important: Local or organic?

By Nathan Gray

Whether food is locally sourced is more important to consumers than whether it organic or not, according to new research conducted on organic and non-organic consumers in Germany. 

UK's organic standards up for public consultation

By Niamh Michail

The Soil Association is updating its organic standards to make them more practical and transparent and is calling on the public to give its opinion in an open consultation.

More than half of EU countries set to opt out of GM

By Niamh Michail

Sixteen countries have requested to opt out of GM cultivation in Europe – but while the Commission says the opt-out clause is necessary for such a complex issue, campaigners are calling it ‘Kafkaesque’ and one scientist warns Europe is walking 'an...

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