Alternative proteins

Silk is harvested from farmed silkworms, which is a costly and time consuming process.©iStock/volkanbys

Swedes spin silk from whey protein

By Will Chu

Whey protein has become the unlikely source for producing artificial silk as researchers have perfected a method that uses nanostructures to form this high-demand material.

Eu-Roo-pean win:Smart Organic has big plans for its offerings in Europe & beyond...

EU bank backs organic Bulgarian bar maker by a cool €2m

By Nathan Gray

Sofia-based healthy snack and ‘superfood’ producer Smart Organic has won a €2 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to aid expansion for the rising healthy snack and ‘superfood’ manufacturer.

A sharp rise in prices due to restricted supply and increased demand

Egg prices set to keep rising in EU

By Louis Gore-Langton

Egg prices in Europe have risen 16% since November last year driven up by bird flu outbreaks and rising consumer demand, say global commodities analysts at Mintec.

© iStock/Delpixart

The food trends and issues to watch in 2017

By David Burrows and Niamh Michail

With 2017 just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about which future trends and burning topics will be making their mark on the food and drink industry next year. Here are some of our predictions.

© iStock

Consumers aren’t prepared to join the lab-meat love-in

By David Burrows

This year there’s been a bit of a lab-meat love-in, but are consumers ready to buy into it? I’m not so sure, especially if they can’t divorce the concept from other more controversial technologies like genetic modification.

A veteran view on HiE 2016

A veteran view on HiE 2016

By Dennis Seisun

Hydrocolloids specialist Dennis Seisun reflects on this year’s Health Ingredients Europe (HiE) expo in Frankfurt, Germany in this guest article.

EIT Food aims to support the creation of 350 start-ups within seven years and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the European food system by 40% by 2030. ©iStock

Algae and alternative protein players in €1.2bn EU food project

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A pan-EU sustainable food project sees Israeli astaxanthin supplier Algatechnologies, champion of pea protein Roquette and Dutch nutrition giant DSM among its 50 partners that will invest close to €1.2bn over the next seven years. 

(From L-R) - Johnathan Dimbleby (Chair). Dr Shini Somara, science broadcaster. Kaave Pour, creative designer at Space 10. Sara Roversi, co-founder, Future Food Institute. Prof Bryan Hanley, food specialist at Knowledge Transfer Network.

Tomorrow’s foods: How do you sway consumer choice and acceptance?

By Will Chu

The rise of alternative ingredients, technological innovations and new approaches to gastronomy all look to provide more sustainable sources of nutrition in the future. But as food is changing to keep up with the times, is there a limit to how much consumers...

Pulses and soils can be 'strategic allies' in forging more sustainable food and agriculture systems, says the FAO.  © iStock/bdspn

'Climate smart' pulses are key to global food security: FAO

By Niamh Michail

'Climate smart' pulses are essential to global food security by delivering high-nutrition protein to people and critical nutrients to soil, said the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on World Soil Day. 

'There are several incorrectly qualified and labelled products [because] the supervisory authorities do not have specific and adequate measures to regulate this kind of behaviour,' said de Castro. © iStock/Kuvona

MEPs oppose plant-based alternatives using meat terms

By Niamh Michail

The battle over plant-based terminology has moved into the meat arena with two Italian MEPs calling for laws to prevent vegetarian alternatives from using names such as prosciutto and mortadella.

© iStock/pichet_w

New FoodConnects partnership to tackle global food challenges

By Niamh Michail

FoodConnects, a consortium of 50 industry and academic institutions from 13 different countries, has been selected by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to tackle global food challenges through a €400m innovation partnership.

 Stope targetting

Are you targetting the right 'consumer type' for meat alternatives?

By Nathan Gray

One size does not fit all when marketing meat alternatives, say researchers. Manufacturers need to decide whether they should target price conscious consumers, healthy eaters, taste driven individuals, eco-friendly greens, organic shoppers or vegetarians.

© iStock/Marilyena

ScenoProt gives a preview of Northern Europe's protein preferences

By Niamh Michail

Why do Finns give more importance to protein than Swedes? Are Germans more willing to eat an all vegetarian meal than Brits? And among the 13% of Europeans who have tried insects, how many would eat them again? Finland's ScenoProt survey is providing...

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