Food safety & quality

After a tragic death in India, we ask how saccharin is regulated in Europe. Image Source: Getty Images/Alina Hedz

How is saccharin regulated in Europe?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

After a tragic death in India, the sweetener saccharin made the headlines. While it has widespread use in Europe, including the UK and EU, the sweetener is tightly regulated.

How is the food industry tackling salt reduction? GettyImages/AJ Paulsen

How is the food industry tackling salt reduction?

By Donna Eastlake

High levels of salt in food is becoming an increasing concern for healthcare professionals and consumers as the dangers of a high-salt diet becomes more widely understood. So how is the food industry tackling this issue?

How is the food industry supporting childhood nutrition? GettyImages/Image Source

How is the food industry supporting childhood nutrition?

By Donna Eastlake

From infancy through to adolescence, nutrition is essential in ensuring a healthy body and mind for our youngsters. So how can this be achieved and what it the food industry doing to help parents?

Cheddar cheese contains abundance of salt, according to campaign group Action on Salt. Image Source: Getty Images/J Shepherd

Does cheese contain too much salt?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Most hard cheeses contain an abundance of salt according to campaign group Action on Salt. But is this too much? And how easy is it for cheese producers to cut down on salt content?

What are the positives and negatives of consuming caffeine?

What are the positives and negatives of consuming caffeine?

By Donna Eastlake

Many of us start our day with a piping hot cup of tea or coffee. In fact, it’s sometimes the very first thought we have before we’ve even opened our eyes. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming caffeine and how much is too much?

Halal certification is important to assure consumers a product really is halal. Image Source: Getty Images/LisaInGlasses

What is required for halal certification?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With a growing Muslim middle class in countries such as the UK, and even many non-Muslims increasingly buying halal products, halal certification is more important than ever for businesses selling them.

Are preservatives killing good gut bacteria? GettyImages/BDLM

Are preservatives killing good gut bacteria?

By Donna Eastlake

Research from the University of Chicago has found that one of the most widely used food preservatives, nisin, has a damaging effect on the good bacteria in our gut

Quality assessment is an important part of the food production process. Image Source: Getty Images/Monty Rakusen

3 start-ups boosting food quality in Europe

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Food quality technology plays a vital role both in ensuring that food is safe to eat, therefore reducing food waste, and providing insights around its health and composition. Three European start-ups tell FoodNavigator how technology can help them understand...

Despite the laws and technology aiming to prevent it, food contamination and safety risks remain a serious issue. Image Source: Tim Platt/Getty Images

Food contamination risks: Old is not new

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

Despite laws, technology and more information, food contamination and safety risks remain, prompting calls for an integrated and collaborative approach and strong, well-funded regulatory governance.

ESFA has launched TKPlate, a new platform that proposes food safety testing without using animals. GettyImages/Cultura RM Exclusive/Sigrid Gombert

Is animal-free testing for food on the horizon?

By Natasha Spencer-Joilliffe

The European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) develops a new platform to model and predict the toxicity of chemicals, signalling the potential to end animal testing.

Image: Getty/piyaset

Eight crops endangered by climate change

By Oliver Morrison

From staple crops like potatoes and maize, to cash crops for wealthier customers like cocoa and coffee, climate change is having a widespread impact on global agricultural production.

GettyImages | LordHenriVoton

Challenging the vilification of ultra-processed foods

By Olivia Haslam

The co-founder of Huel has taken issue with the current rhetoric that all ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are ‘bad’ saying this is an argument based on oversimplification and privilege.

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