Food safety & quality

Irish food tracking campaign

Irish food tracking campaign

A campaign to urge all food premises to find out where their food
comes from has been launched by the Food Safety Authority of
Ireland. The FSAI says it wants food premises to buy products only
from suppliers who operate to the highest...

Acrylamide focus

Acrylamide focus

How was acrylamide first discovered in food in Sweden? What is the
UK Food Standards Agency planning to do about the problem? What are
the toxicological effects of acrylamide? A seminar devoted to this
new food safety phenomenon is...

Safety in the can

Safety in the can

Tin levels in UK canned foods are lower than five years ago and are
well within regulatory limits, according to a UK Food Standards
Agency survey released last week.

Coding system ensures quality

Coding system ensures quality

Laurens Patisseries, a leading US cakes and pastries manufacturer
has installed a Package Coding Management System from Claricom to
allow centralised network control of on-pack coding to increase
efficiency and eliminate the risk...

Machine kills man

Machine kills man

Workers in the US food industry were reminded last week about some
of the safety hazards that exist in food production when an
industrial food processing machine that was cutting cabbage spun
out of control, crushing one man to death,...

Sanitary belt

Sanitary belt

Chiorino, a UK-based company providing belting products for the
food industry, has launched a new type of belt with increased
protection against bacteria.

Meat scares continue in Japan

Meat scares continue in Japan

Just when the Japanese food industry appeared to be settling down
after a period dogged with food scares and consumer fears, the
industry was stung on Friday by another quality-control scandal
when the government accused a company...

Nestlé invests in EFS network

Nestlé invests in EFS network

Nestle FoodServices, a division of Nestle USA, has invested in, and
will become a member of, the EFS electronic supply chain network.
In addition, Allan Lutz, president, Nestle USA FoodServices
Division, will occupy an observer seat...

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