
What can predict a food's palatability? Image Source: Getty Images/Peter Dazeley

Can food palatability be predicted?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

How can you tell a food is palatable? New research uses three metrics – HFSS, UPF and HPF – to test whether palatability can be predicted.

How do vegetable crisps compare to potato crisps, nutritionally? Image Source: Getty Images/Jenifoto

Do vegetable crisps deserve their health halo?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Colourful and classy vegetable crisps are often sought after as a ‘better-for-you’ alternative to ordinary crisps. But how accurate is this perception?

The FoodNavigator Podcast: Reformulating HFSS, without sacrifice

The FoodNavigator Podcast: Reformulating HFSS, without sacrifice

By Oliver Morrison

FoodNavigator’s recent Positive Nutrition Summit, a face-to-face event held in London in March, heard how innovative new R&D strategies and ingredient solutions are unlocking opportunities to cut salt, fat or sugar without sacrificing taste. Listen...

The UK Government HFSS regulations are guaranteed to set a pigeon among the bakery and snacks sectors. Pic: GettyImages/pearleye/Shana Tova

What to expect when the HFSS regulations come into effect on 1 October

By Gill Hyslop

The Food (Promotion and Placement) (England) Regulations 2021 come into force tomorrow, placing location restrictions on ‘less healthy’ products that are high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) – however, these have once again been knocked as nothing more...

Image:Getty/Bonfanti Diego

Junk food ad restrictions: health remedy or junk science?

By Oliver Morrison

Junk food advertising restrictions on Transport for London (TfL) networks have prevented almost 100,000 obesity cases and are expected to save the UK’s National Health Service over £200 million, according to new research that critics have accused of using...

Image: Getty/Zero Creatives

UK HFSS restrictions delay met with relief and dismay

By Oliver Morrison

In a move which has satisfied trade bodies but disheartened health campaigners and some challenger brands, the UK government has announced a one-year delay to the proposed ban on buy-one-get-one-free deals for foods high in fat, salt or sugar.


Could mandatory fruit and veg sections near entrances be next?

By Oliver Morrison

With the UK set to roll out restrictions on unhealthy food promotions in stores next year, fresh research claims healthier supermarket layouts, including fruit and vegetables placed near store entrances, improves customers’ food choices.

The implementation to restrict the promotion of foods high in fat, sugar and sodium could shrink more than just the waistlines of consumers. Pic: GettyImages/Chris Ryan

FDF Scotland hails government’s delay to restrict HFSS marketing

By Gill Hyslop

The promulgation of the Good Food Bill – first mooted under the Scottish government’s 2019/20 programme and rescheduled to necessitate the tabling of emergency COVID-19 legislation – has again been delayed, much to the relief of FDF Scotland, which believes...


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