
Parliament failed to reach the required majority, leaving the decision in the hands of the commission  ©iStock

MEPs oppose GM approvals but Commission will have the final say

By Louis Gore-Langton

EU member states yesterday voted against the introduction and renewal of GM grains in Europe but failed to reach a binding majority, leaving the president of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to make the final decision.

The European Commission and environment MEPs have had multiple clashes over the subject of GM crops and glyphosate of late. © iStock

MEPs’ tough anti-GM stance criticised by industry

By David Burrows

The row over glyphosate continues to spill over into decisions relating to genetically modified (GM) crops after environment MEPs called on the European Commission to withdraw its authorisations for the use of a GM maize resistant to the weedkiller.

Non-GMO labels are on the rise in Europe – but why?

By Niamh Michail

Non-GMO labels are on the rise in European countries – but unlike the US, EU legislation requires all food containing above trace levels of GM to be labelled. So is there even a need for GMO-free?

Rubis the lamb - bred to carry a jellyfish protein for the purposes of INRA's medical research programme - was sold by the abattoir and then most likely eaten in the Paris region last October.

GM 'jellyfish lamb' enters French food chain

By Niamh Michail

A genetically modified sheep carrying a jellyfish protein entered the French food system last year following what appears to have been a deliberate abattoir mix-up by a disgruntled employee, it was revealed last week.

The previous status quo allowed crops to be grown anywhere in Europe following EU approval, although only one GM crop, Monsanto maize variety MON810, is grown commercially in the EU.

Member states back national bans for GM crops


EU member states have voted to allow national governments to ban or restrict cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops even when approved at EU level, meaning the new rules will be written into law.

The new EU directive comes in response to Europeans’ growing concerns about GMOs

Genetically modified feed may be less likely after EU vote

By Keith Nuthall

European Union (EU) meat and livestock producers are less likely to worry that their animals have fed on fodder contaminated with genetically modified (GM) material following a European Parliament vote to allow EU member states more power to block the...

Dispatches from Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Montpellier

The road to fish-oil equivalent GM camelina

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Rothamsted Research has achieved omega-3 levels comparable to fish oil in its first GM camelina harvest, something which has been surprisingly well received by the public, its senior researcher says. 

Russia is looking to impose a ban on GM food including meat from animals feed with GM feed

Russia to call UN to restrict GM products

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

Russia may impose a ban on genetically modified (GM) food, including feed and meat from animals grown with the use of GM components, and is also appealing to the United Nations (UN) requesting the same actions.

David Cameron's GM advisers have said the government needs to clearly communicate the challenges facing sustainable food production

GM food row: industry must tackle food security ignorance

By Rod Addy

If government and industry are to overcome unfounded opposition to genetic modification (GM) technologies, they should clearly communicate the challenges facing sustainable food production, the Prime Minister’s scientific advisers have claimed.

German government to abstain from GM maize vote

German government to abstain from GM maize vote


The German government will abstain from a vote on the cultivation of a variety of genetically modified (GM) maize next week, spokesperson Steffen Seibert said on Wednesday.

The crop could become the third to be approved for cultivation in the EU

European Union moves toward GM corn approval


The European Union has moved toward approving a variety of genetically modified (GM) maize for cultivation, 12 years after a request was first filed.

India’s elephant beginning to charge towards sustainability

Interview: Richard Werran, CEO of Cert ID Europe

India’s elephant beginning to charge towards sustainability

By RJ Whitehead

With over 30 years in the food industry, with a third of it spent providing and promoting food safety certification with Cert ID Europe, Richard Werran knows a fair bit about genetically modified crops in sustainable agriculture.

Unak Gida's application for GM soy has been dropped

Turkey slams door shut on GM food

By Rod Addy

Another blow has been struck against genetically modified (GM) food in Turkey, with the withdrawal of an application for GM soy by ingredients firm Ünak Gida.

Soy: assessing the future for animal feed

Soy: assessing the future for animal feed

By Carina Perkins

When discussing meat's environmental impact, there is a tendency to focus on greenhouse gas emissions. But the production of soy for feed is also of major concern. Carina Perkins looks at the issues

Concerns over GM animals in the EU

Concerns over GM animals in the EU

By Melodie Michel

A group of organisations have expressed concern about the possible introduction of genetically modified (GM) animals in the European Union (EU), after the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) released guidance for applicants.

Experts defend GM trials after Greenpeace attack

Experts defend GM trials after Greenpeace attack

By Sarah Hills

Bringing a halt to genetically modified (GM) food trials would undermine competitiveness, according to one expert responding to the destruction of a GM wheat trial at a CSIRO farm in Canberra.


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