
Photo: iStock

Will Italy also debate a sugar and sat fat tax?

By Niamh Michail

A small group of Italian politicians have presented a bill to the Senate proposing a tax on sugary and diet drinks as well as palm oil and industrial trans fats in a bid to stem rising obesity rates.

Italian consumer watchdog is warning parents not to give children products that contain palm oil due to carcinogenic contaminants. ©

Don't give children palm oil, says Italian consumer group

By Niamh Michail

After finding that 12 kids' food products from Nestlé, Barilla, Ferrero and Danone contain high levels of carcinogen 3-MCPD, Italian consumer group Altroconsumo is calling on parents to stop giving products that contain palm oil to children.

Photo: iStock

Belgium to reduce nation's calorie intake by 5%

By Niamh Michail

Belgian manufacturers and retailers have signed a voluntary convention with the Health Minister to cut the nation's calorie intake by 5% by next year - but without independent monitoring, critics say it lacks credibility.

Eurolactis' donkey milk Onalat is increasing production, and the company is moving into chocolate bars.

New donkey milk products in pipeline

By Jim Cornall

Swiss-based donkey milk company Eurolactis is ramping up production, and is set to launch the first large-scale production of a chocolate bar made with donkey’s milk.

New sugar labeling a boon for alternative sweeteners

New sugar labeling a boon for alternative sweeteners

By Hank Schultz

The added sugars portion of the newly revamped nutrition facts labels for food products will provide a significant opportunity for purveyors of alternative sweeteners, an industry expert says.

Board members objected to the way the report was published - not its contents, a spokesperson said. © iStock

Four NOF members resign over controversial report publication

By Niamh Michail

Four board members of the National Obesity Forum (NOF) have resigned because they were not consulted before the publication of a controversial report which slammed public health advice for fuelling the obesity crisis.

Total sugar, added sugar, free sugars and of which sugars...would it be easier if nutrition labels just depicted the amount of sugar that has been added in teaspoons? © iStock


Should Europeans be told how much sugar is added to their food?

By Niamh Michail

Nutrition labels in the US will now have to tell consumers how much sugar has been added by manufacturers and how much is naturally occurring. Is it time Europe introduced similar measures so consumers know whether the food they are eating is healthy?

'High sensation seekers may be more likely to actually enjoy the pungency of spicy foods more than low sensation seekers,' write the researchers. © iStock

The thrill of the taste: Why do we like spicy food?

By Niamh Michail

Humans are the only species that likes and actively seeks out spicy chili flavours. What explains our love for what is, in reality, a sensation that signals burning pain and, possibly, danger?

Following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet recommended by official UK guidelines is the wrong approach, according to a The National Obesity Forum. (©

'Food science has been 'corrupted by commercial influences,' slam authors

Government guidelines for low-fat diet 'disastrous' for health: report

By Will Chu

Following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, recommended by official UK guidelines, is based on "flawed science" that has had "disastrous" health consequences, according to a report by a UK health charity.

Food and drink sector is leading the UK manufacturing recovery

Food and drink manufacturers boost UK output

By Gwen Ridler

Rising output reported by food and drink manufacturers has boosted the UK manufacturing sector, despite lacklustre export demand, according to a new Confederation of British Industry (CBI) report.

British crisp maker Tyrrells has acquired German snack maker Aroma Snacks

Tyrrells acquires German snack maker

By Gwen Ridler

Tyrrells Crisps has bought German organic crisp maker Aroma Snacks for an undisclosed amount – the company’s first European acquisition.

The big issue: How can industry be part of the obesity solution?

The big issue: How can industry be part of the obesity solution?

By Niamh Michail

Obesity and overweight rates continue to rise across the globe and although no country has managed to reverse the trend to date, all agree action is required. Join us for a free online event on May 25 where key issues will be up for debate.

Between 2011 and 2015, there was a 202% increase in the number of new food and drink product launches featuring the terms ‘superfood’, ‘superfruit’ or ‘supergrain’. © / baibaz

Super growth for superfoods, but is the halo starting to slip?

By Lynda Searby

Rates of ‘superfood’ new product development have tripled in the past five years, according to Mintel, but a nutrition expert warns that with no clear definition in existence, the allure of the ‘superfoods’ sell is starting to fade. 

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