Healthy foods

The diet was largely based on common starches, fruits and vegetables

Could a short term vegan diet improve overall health?


Participants in a ten-day vegan diet programme saw significant improvements in biomarkers associated with risk of heart disease and metabolic disorders, according to a retrospective study.

Danisco opened the Brabrand R&D centre in 1964. It has become the hub of an R&D network that spans 14 centres worldwide

DuPont: ‘We will launch 4000 products by 2020’


DuPont’s nutrition & health division will play a big part in the launch of 4000 food-related products in the next six years, its chief said as the company celebrated 50 years at its Brabrand base in Aarhus, Denmark yesterday.

“Indonesia is very important, our most important Asian market after China.”

Tate & Lyle backs fibre to battle Asian bulge

Tate & Lyle used the recent Food Ingredients-Asia trade event in Jakarta as a springboard for its mounting ambitions in the country of 250 million people as well as other parts of Asia. Fibre and low-calorie sweeteners for weight control were a big...

Understanding elderly people's emotions about eating could help develop more tailored communication strategies and products, the researchers said

Emotional eating: How do the elderly feel about food?


The food industry is failing to tailor foods to the elderly – and recognising their various needs and wants could help companies develop more successful products, according to a new study.

We may reach the WHO's 5 g target in 30 or 40 years, claimed Cappuccio

Challenges remain for salt reduction: Expert forum


The UK’s salt reduction programme has been hugely successful – but it has challenges ahead, according to experts speaking at FoodNavigator’s Salt Reduction Forum last week.

Companies cannot rely on a Europe-wide view, says Ingredion

Clean label trumps brands in Europe, says report

By Paul Gander

The ingredient list and a lack of additives or ‘artificial’ ingredients are the most important considerations for consumers when making a food purchase after price, says a new report on clean label in Europe.

Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

Don't miss the FoodNavigator debate on salt reduction on October 15.

Salt reduction roadmap: FoodNavigator forum this week

By Nathan Gray

Salt reduction remains a key challenge for many in the food industry. Join our team of salt reduction and policy experts on Wednesday, October 15th to discuss where current efforts can be improved, and what the future holds.

Commission was wrong to separate med agency and EFSA: MEP

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Commission was wrong to separate the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), nutrient profiles are unconvincing and the threat of botanical court action is unsurprising, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP)...

Bruce-Gardyne says gluten-free food will become healthier

Gluten-free foods set to get much healthier

By Nicholas Robinson

Consumer demand for healthier products will push the UK's gluten-free (GF) food manufacturers to make further reductions to the fat, sugar and salt content of their foods, industry experts have reported.

Innovation deflation: The EU food sector partially blames novel foods laws for an R&D investment level of 1.5% of revenue, compared to 15% for the pharma industry

"As a member of Parliament, I need facts. And I think you, the food industry, have the resources to find those."

MEP defends EU novel foods laws against innovation attacks

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn from the European Parliament in Brussels

The food industry should provide facts if it expects EU decision makers to consider dismantling the controversial novel foods regulation it has long-argued discourages innovation, a UK member of the European Parliament (MEP) said at a workshop in Brussels...

"We've identified a bacterial population that protects against food allergen sensitisation"

Gut bacteria that protect against food allergies offer probiotic promise

By Nathan Gray

Common gut bacteria from the class Clostridia could prevent sensitisation to allergens in food, according to new research that may pave the way for probiotic products aimed at battling food allergies and intolerances.

The European Common Fisheries Policy has helped Atlantic fish stocks but failed in the Mediterranean, say experts.

Mediterranean fish stocks show steady decline

By Nathan Gray

While careful management has helped stabilise and even improve the fish stocks in some parts of Europe,  the situation in the Mediterranean has deteriorated over the past 20 years, say experts.

Healthy burgers could be on the menu: Study

By Nicola Cottam

Consumers have a positive attitude towards healthy burgers and therefore a greater propensity to buy them, according to a study carried out by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

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