The keto diet has been linked to multiple health benefits, including lowered blood pressure and reduced blood sugar. Now scientists believe it could aid brain health.
The keto diet has been linked to multiple health benefits, including lowered blood pressure and reduced blood sugar, but could it also help to combat the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease?
As free from brands spot long-term growth potential, a perpetual debate is reigniting: is it best for these products to be in separate or standard aisles?
Despite FDA’s labeling of tagatose as an added sugar, the alternative sweetener’s nutritional and functional benefits continue to generate interest from the food and beverage industry, particularly with lean labels, Jim Kappas, VP specialty ingredients,...
The popular high-fat and low carbohydrate diet is popular for weight loss. But fresh research suggests it may also have positive – and negative – impacts on some cancers.
Consumer interest in diets like keto, carnivore, paleo, and intermittent fasting is mounting. Do these trending diets offer long-term opportunities for food innovators?
The paleo diet tops the rankings of a systematic review of dietary patterns and NCD risk factors, followed by DASH and Mediterranean diets, with the Western diet bringing up the rear.
Most consumers go keto – often-tipped as the next big diet trend – to lose weight. But proponents hope it can gain favour amid growing awareness of the relationship between diet and mental health and wellness.
Keto has long been tipped as the next big diet trend. But, while it has found favour in the US, consumers this side of the pond have been slower on the uptake. Could 2021 be a breakthrough year for ketogenic food in Europe?
Ketone drinks have been embraced by professional athletes looking to boost their performance. But these ‘magic potions’ have the potential for mass appeal, believes the scientist who helped develop them, although taste and price remain huge barriers in...
A review published in a sports science journal has found little support for the notion that ketogenic diets can improve performance for endurance athletes.
Hunter & Gather Foods is a UK start-up best known for its keto, paleo and gluten-free condiments and cold-pressed oils. This might sound like hipster paradise but co-founder Amy Moring is quick to insist the brand is tapping into deeper trends rather...
AlcoDigital, a UK supplier of breathalysers, has created the 'world’s first' cartridge-based, real-time fat burning monitoring breathalyser that doesn't hurt the person or the pocket.