Supply Chains

The CSDDD has now been passed through the European Parliament. Now comes implementation. Image Source: Getty Images/Viktor Cvetkovic

How will the CSDDD be implemented in EU member states?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

The CSDDD, which aims to keep large companies’ supply chains to high standards on sustainability and human rights, has passed through the European Parliament. Next comes the tricky part: implementation.

Deforested land cleared to make way for commodities. © iStock/Mihtiander

Confidence in secure commodity supply chains 'misplaced'

By David Burrows

Confident there’s enough soy, palm oil and beef to go around and your policies can weather the risks ahead on everything from climate change and deforestation to reputation and regulation? Think again, say the authors of two new reports.

Ethical audits do little to root out labour abuses and poor working conditions, a report has highlighted. (©

'Abuses are taking place within ‘certified’ supply chains' say authors

Global supply chains audits for corporations fail to detect serious abuses: Report

By Will Chu

NGO-certified ethical audits do little to root out labour abuses, poor working conditions and environmental degradation within global supply chains, as a report accuses corporations of 'fixing' the process to ensure working standards are approved...

Photo credit: Istock / Federico Rostagno

Companies sourcing Italian tomatoes urged: 'Make yourselves known'

By Lynda Searby

Following revelations of gross exploitation of workers in the Italian tomato processing industry, the Ethical Trading Initiative is asking food manufacturers to map their supply chains - but Princes is the only one to come forward so far. 


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