Research from the University of Chicago has found that one of the most widely used food preservatives, nisin, has a damaging effect on the good bacteria in our gut
Research from scientists at Rutgers University and supported by Danone has focused on the impact COVID-19 has on the microbiome, the collection of microorganisms that live in and on the human body. The findings could feed into Danone’s R&D efforts...
German-based ingredients provider Beneo says there's a growing desire for its low-glycaemic sweetener Palatinose among the video gaming community, who are keen to use the product’s slow energy release to stay focused.
Everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away. They may also store intriguing benefits for the gut, suggests new research, with the organic variety having the edge over standard apples.
The way bacteria in our gut metabolise the foods we eat could have a strong impact on obesity risk, while blocking certain pathways could lead to prevention, say researchers.
Major changes to the profile of our gut bacteria ecosystem are associated with the development of type two diabetes, according to ‘exciting’ new meta-genomic data published in Nature.