
Safety first

Safety first

Around 30 industry and governmental experts from Central and
Eastern European candidate countries (CEEC's) are meeting this week
for a seminar on food safety.

US calls for GM dispute panel

US calls for GM dispute panel

The United States, Argentina and Canada have asked the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) to set up a dispute settlement panel to decide
whether or not the EU's policies on genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) constitute a barrier...

Welsh confirm quality

Welsh confirm quality

Welsh lamb has joined Cornish clotted cream, West Country farmhousecheddar cheese and stilton cheese on the list of 34 UK productsrecognised by the EU for their quality and regional identity.

An end to Canadian Bordeaux?

An end to Canadian Bordeaux?

The EU and Canada have reached an agreement on the protection of a
number of wine and spirit terms, including Bordeaux, Champagne and
Grappa. But the EU's fight for protection of these names is likely
to be much harder when it...

GMOs, the next step?

GMOs, the next step?

Last week the European Commission threatened 12 EU member states
with court action should they continue to ignore new EU legislation
regulating the release of GMOs into the environment. A new survey
released this week backs up the...

CAP: food industry reacts

CAP: food industry reacts

The European food and drink industry this week gave a vote of
confidence to the radical revamp of the 41 year old Common
Agricultural Policy proposed by European Agriculture Commissioner
Franz Fischler - but gave a clear warning about...

EU welcomes icewine

EU welcomes icewine

The European Commission agreed on Wednesday to permit the marketing
of Canadian "Icewine", a specialised dessert wine made from grapes
frozen on the vine...


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