An international research team says it is possible to grow faba beans that don’t cause an allergic-like reaction in favism sufferers after identifying the gene behind the potentially life-threatening condition.
Parents of children with food allergies face ‘significant worry, severe anxiety and post-traumatic stress’, according to new research from the University of East Anglia.
Dark kitchens, direct-to-consumer sales and online ordering have been given a significant boost by to the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. It is incumbent that as food businesses innovate and find new routes to market to stay afloat in these...
Can new scientific knowledge and cutting edge techniques help industry to cut the risk of allergenic proteins in foods without cutting out the whole ingredient?
The UK’s food and medical research bodies are looking to expand understanding of the mechanisms underlying food allergies, with a call for new research that could help improve diagnosis, prognosis and management.
Food allergies in Australian children have risen 12-fold since 1995
and there is an "urgent need" for further research into the trend,
according to a new study.
A study of 19 different commercial enzymes used in the food
industry concludes that there are no concerns regarding food
allergy for these ingredients, states a study from Denmark.
The market for nut or wheat-free bakery products could see a slump
within the next decade if research into the eradication of food
allergies is successful.
Recent research sheds new light on the allergenicity of lupin,
suggesting that common assumptions about the dangers of the
ingredient could be overblown.
As Europe prepares for tougher rules on allergen labeling, a new
study has found that allergies to almonds, pecans, cashews and
other tree nuts may not be lifelong.
It is time to draw on science to establish once and for all whether
food intolerance is just a source of succour for hypochondriacs, or
whether it is genuinely a modern scourge.
Soy-based formulas are often recommended for infants with food
allergies, but a review of past studies suggests they should not be
recommended for the prevention of allergies or food intolerance in
infants at high risk.