
Nestle's plant-based Garden Gourmet Incredible Burger

Food for thought

Activists should embrace allies in the move to plant-based meats

By Bruce Friedrich, executive director of the Good Food Institute

Activists should take a pragmatic approach and be willing to work with 'big food' in order to support an increase in consumption of plant-based options, Good Food Institute (GFI) executive director Bruce Friedrich suggests.

©iStock/Droits d'auteur Leonid Eremeychuk

Food for thought

Why the food industry can’t ignore the bioeconomy boom

By David Burrows

Publication of the European Commission’s new bioeconomy strategy last October may have passed many in the food sector by. However, the agri-food chain lies at the heart of the concept.


Food for thought

More taxes on unhealthy foods aren’t on the cards… yet

By Katy Askew

Momentum is growing behind calls to impose fiscal sanctions on unhealthy foods. And while such stringent action is not on the immediate horizon that could change if the food industry fails to step up its efforts on reformulation.


In conversation with FoodNavigator

12 things you need to know about the meat tax debate

By David Burrows

Meat taxes are a controversial idea that get strong reactions on both sides of the debate. But, with pressure on global resources continuing to rise, it is a topic that is likely to remain on the agenda in the coming years. Here’s FoodNavigator’s guide...


Food for thought

Opinion: Rising hunger levels a call to action for food makers

By Katy Askew

A new report from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) shows that the progress on tackling hunger made over the last decade was wiped out this year. The global food sector must respond by stepping up its efforts to combat malnutrition and...

© iStock/Magone

Food for thought

Opinion: Do we expect too much of cheap food?

By Katy Askew

Food manufacturers are caught between sometimes contradictory consumer expectations around value and values. As people understand more about what goes into their food – driving demand for higher quality standards – they may also need to swallow higher...



Can organic food capitalise on flagging confidence in the food industry?

By David Burrows

Since the horsemeat scandal of 2013 there has been a steady stream of food scares and scandals, which has played neatly into the hands of organic food. Sales were up more than 11% in Europe at the last count, but is the sector making the most of growing...

Confectionery brands can outlive sugar regulation, but must act now, says HeyHuman, a brand agency that has worked with Mondelēz. ©GettyImages/BlindTurtle

Guest article

Sweetening the pill - preparing for a sugar tax extension

By Neil Davidson, managing director of HeyHuman

Inaction is not an option for confectionery brands if they want to survive in an age of increased regulation on sugared products, writes Neil Davidson, managing director of brand agency HeyHuman.


Be warned: obesity plans make for easy targets

By David Burrows

The UK's childhood obesity strategy has been criticised again – this time in an analysis published in the British Medical Journal. Will all this flak put other EU countries off the idea?

Bad Science author Dr Ben Goldacre at the IFT show

Is food marketing awash with bad science? If so, who is to blame?

Dr Ben Goldacre: ‘Does this food cause or prevent cancer? Honestly, there's no need for any more stories like that, they have almost no value’

By Elaine Watson

There was plenty of handwringing at the IFT show this year about the lack of scientific literacy characterizing the debate around food and farming, backed up by scores of press clippings about ‘franken-foods.’ But is the media solely to blame, and what’s...

Photo: iStock


Britain votes to leave the EU: What now?

By Niamh Michail

Britain has voted to leave the European Union and Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned as a result. Across Europe and the UK, the food industry is coming to terms with the outcome.

Leaders ripping apart the black box

Leaders ripping apart the black box

By Virpi Varjonen

It’s hard to care when you don’t know the real supply chain picture, argues Scandinavia-based analyst Virpi Varjonen in this guest article.

Many representations of GMOs, like this one, tap into intuitive ideas of unnaturalness - even though this is far from the reality of GM technology

Being anti-GMO may have ‘intuitive appeal’


Rejection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may be intuitive for many people, claims a paper published in the journal Trends in Plant Science.

Nestlé CEO: Business should not lead the social agenda


Business plays a crucial role in meeting sustainable development goals – but it should not lead the social agenda, according to Nestlé CEO Paul Bulcke, speaking at the World Economic Forum’s meeting in Davos.

Beyond GMOs: Europe needs to update biotech regulation


The European Union needs to update the way it regulates biotechnology as advances are made in plant breeding – or risk disrupting trade in commodity crops, according to Professor Huw Jones of Rothamsted Research.

Rethinking fat: Global experts to separate fact from fiction

Rethinking fat: Global experts to separate fact from fiction


Researchers have questioned the received wisdom on dietary fat in recent years asking, is saturated fat actually good for us? Are unsaturated fats really as healthy as we thought? And is it even possible to study fat without the context of other macronutrients?

Consumers may trade sustainability for more self-centred purchase motivators, like health, taste or cost

Health and sustainability goals entail trade-offs


Pursuing health and environmental sustainability goals at the same time requires trade-offs, argues an Aarhus University associate professor in Current Opinion in Food Science.

The Pope said food was susceptible to manipulation by complaints of the economic crisis

Pope Francis: Food has been reduced to a commodity


Market pre-eminence has reduced food to a commodity subject to financial speculation, Pope Francis told attendees at a major nutrition conference in Rome this morning.

For the first time ever 55% of the British public say they now prefer brown bread to white

Boring bread? Ditch bland ads and bite into the revolution

By Nick Mustoe, CEO of Kindred

Bread and milk have always been natural indicators for what is happening inside the average household. Both are reliable dietary staples and both have the ability to inspire passion and excitement on a marketable level.

FIC regulation: When is nutrition labelling mandatory?

FIC regulation: When is nutrition labelling mandatory?

By Steve Spice, head of regulatory affairs at Campden BRI

The Provision of Food Information to Consumers Regulation (FIC) is fast approaching the key date in December 2014, after which the majority of its provisions start to take effect. In this guest article, Campden BRI expert Steve Spice addresses some of...

Manufacturers should not look at replacing fructose with glucose, but rather reduce its reliance on sugar and HFCS, says Mintel expert Laura Jones.

Analyst Insight: The battle between fructose and glucose

By Laura Jones

Manufacturers should look to reduce overall use and reliance on sugar and not focus on replacing fructose with glucose, while concerns over HFCS should start to disperse as newer research invalidates current thinking, says Laura Jones of Mintel.

Which way for European nutrition innovation?

European nutrition innovation is dead? Long live fusion innovation!

By Peter Wennstrom

Consensus was real innovation was difficult to perceive with the naked eye at Vitafoods Europe this year. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t exist, says Healthy Marketing Team president and expert consultant, Peter Wennstrom, in this guest article.

Robert Besford

FIC: 10 Things You Should Do Now

By Robert Besford

‘The Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU 1169/2011 – also known as ‘FIC’), which will start to be enforced in December this year, will have a big impact on all those involved in the supply and sale of food and drink products.

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