Thermo Fisher Scientific boosts checkweighing for food can lines

By Joseph James Whitworth

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Thermo Scientific Versa Teorema checkweigher
Thermo Scientific Versa Teorema checkweigher

Related tags Thermo fisher scientific Thermo electron

Thermo Fisher Scientific has unveiled a checkweigher targeting high-rate food can lines.

Food processors running these lines will benefit from the Versa Teorema checkweigher that can work at 660 cans per minute and features updated controller and weigh table technology.

The firm added because cans will often contain lower margin products, running at higher rates can positively impact profitability.

Controller and weigh table advantages

Rick Cash, product technology and checkweigher product manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific, said controllers have gained function as computers and processing electronics have become faster.

“This allows features such as real-time feedback, remote access for setup variation and diagnostics, and multiple-lane configuration of weigh tables to be practical, adding to the value of the system," ​he told 

“Customized weigh tables, designed to integrate seamlessly into a client’s equipment, deliver correct weight information at the process location most critical to control.

“Canning operations routinely require high rates of cans per minute and maximum line uptime. They are unsuited to the limited speeds and belts of a powered weigh table checkweigher.”

The machine combines the Versa checkweigher controller technology with the Teorema “no moving parts” weigh table which is a sealed unit with no moving parts.

This allows accurate operation at line rates up to 660 cans per minute. It is suited for canned food products including soups, vegetables, fruits, beans, sauces and seafood.

Need for dedicated system

‘Combo’ Metal Detection/Checkweigher systems continue to be popular where space and cost can be saved but not all situations lend themselves to this, said Cash.

“When the product contains metal in the package (cans, oxygen scavengers, metallized film or lining, for example),” ​he said.

“When the metal detection rejector (typically before the CW rejector) must apply a higher force to reject, causing the weigh frame to vibrate, adversely affecting the weighing function.

“Where weighing is the principal objective (non-food checkweighing applications or in-process food weighing).

“In these cases, it is critical to match a full-featured controller with a properly selected weigh frame to fit the performance specification, line rate, reject requirements and line space requirements of the plant.”

Open and closed cans

It can checkweigh closed and open cans which gives processors the option of using it further upstream before more expensive ingredients have been added.

Cash said previous generations of the Teorema weigh table and legacy AC9000 controller, have been used in ‘open can’ weighing operations before.

Normally, the more expensive fill materials are weighed first before broth or other less expensive fill is added and the can is lidded. In that scenario, weighing is desirable earlier in the process.”

The Versa Teorema offers touch-screen control, a helix infeed, a high-rate reject system and additional communications capabilities. A full mesh cover is available for enhanced safety.

Because the Versa Teorema does not rely on a traditional conveyor-style weigh table, there is a lower “wear vulnerability” at higher production speeds.

The UK’s National Measurement Office (NMO) has certified that the Versa Teorema is in compliance with European Council Directive 2004/22/EC for measuring instruments.

Teorema has been certified for accuracy class XIII(1) (e ≥ 0.5 g) under the Measuring Instruments Directive and the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (OIML R51 - Edition 2006(E)).

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