Online verification for the food industry

Related tags Label

Dimaco, the Belgium-based quality assurance systems provider, has
cornered the problem of code and label accuracy with the launch of
its online verifier.

Dimaco, the Belgium-based quality assurance systems provider, has cornered the problem of code and label accuracy with the launch of its online verifier.

The verifier, which was previewed at the recent PPMA show in Birmingham, was specially developed for foodstuffs with short shelf life and the need to comply with more stringent health and safety legislations. In recent years, faster production techniques have made the task of ensuring the correct codes and labels are applied, and that they are legible, more difficult, and yet failure to comply with due diligence requirements can lead to heavy fines from retailers.

The verifier for codes has an in-built tolerance to natural variations in the coding process and will inspect flat, oval or cylindrical containers such as plastic tub lids, bottle tops and can bottoms. The company also claims that the system can verify codes produced with traditionally difficult-to-check technologies, including ink-jet coders. The lot code to be checked can be automatically updated using the time and batch code information from the client's own PLC or computer network.

To compliment the system, Verifier for labels can be integrated with Verifier for codes ensuring correctly labelled products as well as checking the codes on the label. This will minimise costly and embarrassing recalls, for instance, when a label is not in the right language or has been badly placed, said the company. The system can also cross reference labels against job numbers, it added.

The Verifier uses image processing techniques and online PC-based video camera technology to analyse every product. The system replaces the subjectivity of human eye inspection with an accurate code and label analysis at speeds of up to 1000 products per minute.

The company said that ultimately the system provides manufacturers with accountability and full product traceability, highlighting and removing defective, miscoded or mislabelled products online before they enter the distribution chain.

Founded in 1992, Dimaco supply automatic quality assurance systems to enable manufacturers within the beverage and food industries to check that correct labelling and correct date/lot codes have been applied. Dimaco's customer base includes many leading international manufacturers including L'Oreal, Coca-Cola, Gillette, Evian, Scottish Courage and UDV.

Related topics Food safety & quality

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