Australia supports food scientists in functional food race

Spearing the booming global €30 billion market for functional foods, Australian food scientists will receive funding from their government to develop and apply new technologies to protect the health-promoting activity of ingredients.

Researchers at Food Science Australia, the University of Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology and CSIRO plant industry will each benefit from the €2 million health food investment by Australia's Victorian government.

"These technologies will allow food manufacturers to create exciting new foods and ingredients, with qualities that have until now been difficult to achieve.

Consumers can look forward to new flavours, textures and specific nutritional and health benefits across a range of food products," says the director of the Innovative Foods Centre at CSIRO, Dr Kees Versteeg.

The grant from the government will be used to establish an innovation foods programme.

"Scientists at the centre investigate non-thermal food processing technologies like ultra-high pressure and high-power ultrasonics.

This new programme will broaden the research scope to include microwave technology, advanced separation technologies, ingredient functionality and food architecture," adds Dr Versteeg.

The investment will be used to define the "next generation of foods" that have specific health benefits without compromising eating quality, added Dr Geoffrey at Food Science Australia (a joint venture of CSIRO and the Victorian government).

The scientists are hopeful that new developments gleaned from their research will help to fuel new growth in Australia.

"This collaboration provides the momentum for development of frontier technologies, helping to transform Australia's agrifood sector and create new industries," commented Dr Bruce Lee, at CSIRO's Food Futures Flagship unit, that will provide "substantial" additional funding to the project.