New flavors with tagatose

Related tags Sugar Symrise

German flavors and fragrance firm Symrise has teamed up with
SweetGredients to use Spherix's new sweetener Gaio tagatose to
develop a new generation of flavors.

SweetGredients is a joint venture between Arla Foods (Spherix's​ licensee for tagatose) and Nordzucker.

Consumers will henceforth see improvements in several products including yogurts, light and low glycemic confectionery products and diet drinks, according to Ray Hughes, the president of Symrise's flavor division in North America.

"Gaio tagatose serves as a flavor potentiator, boosting the flavor profile, imparting mouthfeel and providing a desirable fresh impact,"​ said Hughes, adding that food and beverage manufacturers will be able to benefit from the combined expertise of Symrise and SweetGredients when addressing the need for healthier foods and beverages to combat obesity and other health issues.

Dr. Matthias Guentert, vice president of innovation at Symrise, backed up this statement by saying that compared to other low- calorie and to no-calorie sweeteners, Gaio tagatose - produced from milk sugar lactose - tastes like sugar.

The agreement between the two companies provides for Symrise to act as SweetGredients' flavor industry partner in the US. Symrise, for its part, will develop flavors and flavor blends that "take advantage of Gaio tagatose"​.

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