Optimizing Purifications

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Optimizing Purifications: a global approach – from design to operation of industrial systems - to drastically reduce energy, water and reagents consumptions and ultimately carbon footprint.

  1. Principles, design methodologies and industrial example of application, from R&D to commissioning.
  2. Detailed calculation of carbon footprint of a system to allow to make the wisest choice considering traditional criteria of performance together with accurate and widely recognized criteria of Carbon & environmental footprint. 
  3. Set of innovative digital services
  • daily monitoring through cloud platform with automated recommendations
  • predictive performance software
  • optimization of the resin and membrane management
This content is provided by Applexion, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of FoodNavigator.com


Marlène  Beyerle
Marlène Beyerle
Innovation Process Engineer
Cédric  Prieur
Cédric Prieur
Digitalization Project Manager
Eric  Valery
Eric Valery
Technology & Innovation Director
Audrey  Salgues
Audrey Salgues
Sales Process Manager

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