Preventative Health, Wellness and Nutrition


The COVID-19 pandemic places the link between diet and wellness into sharp relief. The connection between obesity and higher morbidity rates highlights the stark reality that poor diets lead to negative health outcomes. A divergence in consumer behaviour is evident as a widening gulf separates those who seek out health through positive nutrition – and those who do not.

Functional diets incorporating ingredients that deliver either physical or mental health benefits were certainly on the up pre-COVID. As the world emerges from lockdown, will the crisis accelerate this trend? And – given the likely recession looming – will it reach the mass market?


Anke Sentko
Anke Sentko
Vice President Regulatory Affairs & Nutrition Communication
BENEO Institute
Eve Martinet-Bareau
Eve Martinet-Bareau
Global Product Manager
DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences
Markus Stripf
Markus Stripf
Co-CEO & Co-founder
Spoon Guru
Martin Oxley
Martin Oxley
Founder and Managing Director
Buzzback Europe
Anita Hartog
Anita Hartog
Senior Scientist Nutrition and Health
Oliver Morrison
Oliver Morrison
Section Editor​

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