Aleph Farms makes carbon-neutral pledge


Israeli cultivated meat business Aleph Farms has announced a new sustainability target of eliminating emissions associated with its meat production by 2025 and reach the same net-zero emissions across its entire supply chain by 2030.

“At a time when the occurrence of regional and global crisis is increasing - African Swine Fever, Australia fires, COVID-19 – food system resilience is at the core of Aleph Farms' vision and the key to building a better future for generations that follow,” said Aleph Farms co-founder and CEO Didier Toubia. “We have to rethink the way we use our natural resources, but our sustainability approach encompasses not only aggressive environmental goals. It also targets social, nutritional and economic objectives. We are identifying challenges and bottlenecks, engaging with experts and youth leaders, raising awareness and driving innovation across the entire value chain in order to accelerate the necessary global transition of our food system into the right direction.”

To help achieve this goal, Aleph Farms has introduced a sustainability advisory board which includes representatives from the food industry; a Z-board which is a ‘dialogue platform’ that engages Generation Z and a new sustainable production and process design that will embrace circular economy and renewable energy.

Aleph Farms head of sustainability Lee Recht added: “The way food systems across the world utilize the world’s finite resources wields a major influence on the direction in which climate change, food security, and socio-economic consequences will follow. We see the situation and the challenges through an ‘innovation lens’ that helps us understand the responsibility we share and the impact we have on the state of our world and our people.”