The instruments worth about €600,000 will be in use at the TU Graz 'Soft Matter Application Lab' – where scientists research soft materials.
It can be used by all Styrian universities and the University of Maribor. First co-operations are with the Montanuniversität Leoben (University for Mining, Metallurgy and Materials) and University of Graz.
The lab serves for measurements for master theses, dissertations and research projects.
Instruments range from the more than 2.5 meter long system SAXSpoint to the more compact density meter.
Jakob Santner, executive director business unit characterization, said: “We expect the laboratory to foster successful exchange between our company and the TU Graz, new applications in the field of soft matter characterization, and new measuring methods.”
Meanwhile, Anton Paar ShapeTec BA is moving its site from Derventa in Bosnia which was a rented location, to a 1,900 square meter building in the area of Sijekovac.
It will be finished by December and opened in January 2018. The new production hall will have enough space to double current capacity.
Anton Paar ShapeTec BA has 30 staff but new employees are expected to be hired in the next few months.