Microbac takes CONTROL with Sample6 partnership

Microbac Laboratories and Sample6 have partnered so customers can use some Sample6 technology.

Sample6 CONTROL couples with Microbac testing data to help monitor and produce reports in a floor plan view of environmental contaminants within production facilities.

Customers see where and to what extent they may have food safety concerns in their production facility.

Microbac will be selling, implementing and supporting the Sample6 software as another channel of distribution.  

CONTROL is a cloud-based platform that helps producers visualize the plant floor where environmental samples are taken.

Microbac will use CONTROL to help customers plan environmental sample testing schedules, as well as track remediation and corrective actions of positive testing areas should they arise.

The independent laboratory testing company has more than 30 locations in 12 states.

Evaluating demands of marketplace

Michael Koeris, CEO and co-founder of Sample6, said the partnership covers the US, Canada and Mexico.

“We’re experiencing high demand for our environmental monitoring program software package CONTROL and have agreed with Microbac to this reseller relationship to help service our customers faster,” he told FoodQualityNews.

“We are evaluating using other sales channels to meet the demand of the marketplace but also continue to purse business directly and with other types of partnerships. Food Safety Net Services and The Acheson Group are examples.

“Our goal is to provide the best EMP software experience to protect customers’ brands, comply with regulations and mitigate risk. We have experience integrating with LIMS and other systems.”

Koeris added Sample6 CONTROL is agnostic to the type of LIMS or other IMS being used and works with any labs or systems.

Microbac said environmental monitoring is a regulated requirement and consumer driven as well as becoming a hot topic for public health protection.

With Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations growing more complicated, producers are finding greater need to take a proactive stance on environmental testing and reporting, added the firm.

Cabot Earle, Microbac CEO, said the partnership will bring more than just testing to customers.

“This is a leading edge technology platform, that, when paired with our testing data and other tools, accelerates decision making and speed to action at key times in the food production and distribution process.

“Microbac’s investment in CONTROL is rooted in the need to help customers take new, intuitive and preventative measures to monitor and manage environmental testing within their facilities.”

Presumptive positive and correction action

Koeris said environmental sample tests are scheduled regularly or on an exception basis and gave the example of a regularly occurring test.

“Every Monday you’re swabbing the drains in your main production hall. Now let’s assume you find a (presumptive) positive,” he said.

“Best practice dictates you should remediate within a certain timeframe and then re-test several times to generate a succession of negatives - proving the cleaning (the corrective action) did correct the fault (the presumptive positive).

“Our system alerts the relevant stakeholders and operators, provides the necessary information, e.g. information around the presumptive positive, SOPs and the like, as well as track compliance and adherence to timelines.

“That last part is critical since especially when you’re performing a corrective action, you should do that within the allotted time, lets the presumptive positive may spread. With CONTROL everyone has visibility into the workflow, the compliance with it, which both increases performance and creates accountability.”

Sample6 also has the DETECT system, based on a proprietary bio-illumination platform, for use on-site delivering in-shift pathogen diagnostic results. 

“Cleary the new guidance from FSMA has placed more demands on the food processing industry in the areas of testing and managing data,” said Koeris.

“This isn’t just confined to processors at risk for Listeria contamination, but really every processor. The guidance document serves in our opinion as a best practices repository for anyone manufacturing food.”