Waters targets quantitative and qualitative applications

Waters Corporation has introduced two Xevo mass spectrometers for benchtop quantitative and qualitative applications.

The Xevo G2-XS mass spectrometer is a benchtop quadrupole time-of-flight (QTof) mass spectrometer, and the Xevo TQ-S micro, is a compact benchtop tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer.

Waters intends to commence shipments of the Xevo TQ-S micro system in Q3 and Xevo G2-XS QTof to customer laboratories at the end of Q2 with MassLynx software and Q4 under the UNIFI Scientific Information System.

Xevo TQ-S micro is designed to acquire data quickly for numerous analytes at varying concentrations for quantitative analysis.

Xevo G2-XS mass spectrometer is a qualitative screening instrument for analytical sensitivity and selectivity.

Mass spec demands

Gary Harland, director – MS product management, Waters Division said mass spectrometry has been adopted widely in research and food safety.

“It depends on what they are trying to detect, do they have enough specificity to find the contamination,” he told FoodQualityNews.com.

“Customers sometimes talk to us about sensitivity, speed and resolution as we are an equipment manufacturer and we are talking to them about applications and we meet in the middle. The performance of the machine has to be in line with what the customer needs.

“More robust and more food matrixes with increasing data acquisition speed so they can think about multiplexing more analytes in a single method.

“For the food analyst the Micro is all about productivity, giving them an accessible instrument that can do 80% of the work instead of three or four systems.

“It is one instrument to cope with the work, you will always need other products but they take years to develop after the trends.”  

Xevo TQ-S micro Mass Spectrometer

Xevo TQ-S micro features Xtended Dynamic Range technology offering six orders of magnitude of linear dynamic range.

This is important for quantifying compounds in samples where the concentrations of individual analytes differ.

The wider the operational dynamic range, the easier it is to transfer methods between instruments of differing sensitivities.

Xevo TQ-S micro’s Xcelerated Ion Transfer (XIT) electronics allow it to acquire as many as 500 multiple reaction monitoring (MRMs)/sec without significantly reducing peak intensities.

This means that labs performing pesticide screening can monitor for a wide range of analytes.

Xevo G2-XS mass spectrometer

Xevo G2-XS QTof combines the XS Collision Cell with the technologies of Tof-MRM, StepWave and QuanTof to deliver sensitivity and selectivity, resulting in the detection of more low-level compounds.

For targeted quantitative experiments, Tof-MRM mode delivers a 10-fold improvement in signal-to-noise when compared to full scan mode, resulting in limits of detection and quantification that redefine expectations for a benchtop high resolution mass spectrometer, said the firm.

“The technology embodied in the Xevo G2-XS benefits laboratory analysis in a number of ways. Most importantly, laboratories now have a dependable option for performing qualitative and quantitative experiments for both known and unknown analytes with a benchtop QTof instrument,” said Brian Smith, vice president – mass spectrometry operations, Waters Division.