EU beef situation difficult, new figures reveal

EU beef prices have seen a sharp drop, with production costs rising, according to new figures discussed by European farmers’ organisation Copa-Cogeca last week.

Pierre Chevalier, chairman of the Copa-Cogeca EU beefmeat working party, expressed his concerns over the situation, and warned that EU beef prices had dropped by 5% on average, since the start of the year, compared to the same time last year, while input costs, especially feed prices, were rising rapidly, putting pressure on farmers.

"Even if, in the short term, European beef meat production is forecast to increase slightly, long-term prospects are not positive in terms of production and consumption. EU production and consumption are predicted to decrease by around 7% over the period from 2014 to 2023 compared to the 2010-2012 average, forecasts show, while imports should increase," said Chevalier.

"European production should not be the variable used to adjust the European market. This drop in production and consumption is seriously worrying, and could cause huge social and economic losses in rural areas as the sector plays a key role for growth and jobs in these areas."

The organisation said that with food demand on the rise, it was crucial to boost EU beef production. It also claimed that European beef meat producers, "who comply with the highest production standards in the world", were being put at a competitive disadvantage as other countries do not have to meet the same costly regulations and obligations.

For example, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters is banned in the EU, but it is allowed in other parts of the world, it said.

Chevalier added: "EU beef meat producers try to get a fair income from the market and get value from the entire carcase, but how can they do that if the market is flooded with low-priced cuts?

"In the upcoming bilateral free trade talks, the Commission must ensure that EU production standards are respected and that the European production model is not compromised. More transparency from the Commission is needed.

We urge the Commission to come forward with an impact assessment on the beef sector of the trade talks between the EU and US and launch a public consultation on it before we advance any further in the negotiations."