Funds will go towards projects and training to enhance conformance with the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS or Retail Standards).
They are available for state, local, territorial, and tribal regulatory retail food programs who have enrolled in the Retail Standards.
Category one is available for small projects (up to $3,000) such as verification audits and small projects that advance conformance with a standard not previously met.
Category two is for moderate projects ($10,000 to $20,000) like completion of foodborne illness risk factor studies, implementation of comprehensive intervention strategies to reduce risk factors.
Category three is for training (up to $2,000) to travel to training courses, workshops, and seminars that go towards goals of the Retail Standards.
$450,000 in funding is available for 2014 and at least 140 awards are expected to be made through the program for completing projects that meet Retail Standard parameters.
Applications can be made online beginning in February 2014.