NASA funds Star Trek style 3D food printer

NASA has agreed to fund the development of a 3D food printer to supply food for astronauts during space travel and help feed the world’s growing population.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has given a $125,000, six month grant to Anjan Contractor, a mechanical engineer specialising in 3D printing systems to create the device.


Contractor hopes to eventually plug cartridges containing powdered food ingredients into the machine, which will then reconstitute them to create well-known foods and dishes.


Food waste would be dramatically reduced through using this method, and the powders could have a shelf life of up to 30 years, he claims.


He has already used the process to print chocolate and pizza will be the first dish to be created by the prototype device.


The system’s function bears an uncanny resemblance to the replicators featured in Star Trek, which characters programme to serve any dish or beverage they choose.